I believe that I've let that magic smoke out from the 5V voltage regulator. I will send it back for repair/replacement when I'm back from a weekend trip. I feel a bit stupid about damaging it, but I'm still not sure why it happened. I hope that I did not kill the stepper driver in my Stepcraft at the same time.
The reason I was trying out a different supply and laborating with ground was that my pump spindle somehow induce noise, when plugged in, into the parallel cable that cause the stages to loose steps. Adding a couple of ferrites on the parallel cable seemed to solve the problem at first. But when connecting the second IO port to an opto-isolated relay box I built to allow me to turn on/off the pump as well as my vacuum machine from UCCNC the problem came back. I therefore need to find a way to make the UC400ETH less sensitive to these disturbances.
I'm considering solid state relays instead but also replacing the plastic box for the UC400 with one made out of metal so that I can ground the chassis.
Any information available on how to make it more robust is welcome. Keep in mind that I'm not an electrical engineer (just one of those x-ray scientists) so my knowledge about electronics is rudamentary.
As I described you in e-mail the UC400ETH is not sensitive at all to noise.
It is a board with a single power supply input and therefor where electrical noise could enter the board is via the powersupply or the IDC26 connectors.
However if the UC400ETH would pick noise up the symtons would be lost connections to the computer, because what noise would effect is the power supply voltage, but this is clearly not the case at you, your machine is just loosing steps when you operate your blower pump.
The other possible scenario is that the output drivers of the UC400ETH pick noise up, which are 74HC14 buffer driver chips connected directly to the microcontroller pins.
The microcontroller pins can sink/source about 8mAmps of current, so if noise entering the inputs of the buffer ICs would mean that the noise should generate 8mAmps of currents inside the PCB wires/the chip,
this I do not beleive is possible, because the chips are so close to the microcontroller that this amount of noise would sure lock up the microcontroller also which does not happen.
So, for me it is crystal clear that the noise entering to other parts of your controller and not the UC400ETH.
That you putting ferrits on the IDC wires reduces the noise is only because the control electronics in your machine has non-isolated circuitry on the step/dir lines and therefor the step/dir lines are common referenced to the other part of the circuitry and noise entering that board is therefor seen also on these wires and the ferrits damping the HF domain of the noise.
I think to resolve this issue the only solution will be to elliminate the noise at it's source which is to install the proper EMI filter in your blower.
About the damage happened: However you don't exactly know what happened, but you said you connected the power supply negative (GND) to the earth. These 2 points are not the same potential in switching mode power supplies, they are floating to eachother as SMPS are isolated voltage converters. The 2 points are usually only AC coupled, they are never DC coupled!
If you made this connection while the device was already operating I think a huge discharge happened between the 2 points while the potential difference tried to balance, this could damage the circuit, the voltage regulator...