Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

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Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby VLTechnology » Wed Feb 19, 2025 12:16 pm

I have noticed several issues in the new beta version of UCCNC:
• Tool diameter compensation: It is not possible to set a negative tool diameter offset due to input range restrictions. If the minimum allowed value is manually modified in Screen Edit (removing the 0 limit), the function works correctly. The default value needs to be updated to allow negative inputs.
• =1/2 button on MPG XHC-HB04: This button has stopped working.
• "Move Spindle To/From Probe" function in the Probe Offset section: This function cannot be activated.
• Intermittent issue with the homing procedure for a slaved axis: My machine has two motors on the Y axis—one connected as the Y-axis motor and the other as the B-axis motor, with B slaved to Y. When I home the Y axis using the "HOME Y" button, sometimes both motors move correctly, but other times only the Y-axis motor moves while the slaved B-axis motor remains stationary. When this happens, the machine starts twisting the gantry, which can lead to mechanical damage. However, using the "HOME ALL" button always works correctly, homing both motors simultaneously. I have not been able to determine a clear pattern for when this issue occurs, but I first noticed it in version 1.2116.
In the 1.2117 version this problem occurs less often, but it still remains.
• Tool length sensor dependency on the last selected machining plane (G17, G18, G19): If the program stops while executing an arc in a plane other than G17 (e.g., G18), the tool length sensor remains active in that plane and prevents measurement. The user must manually switch back to G17 before proceeding. This issue specifically affects the Mobile Probe Fixed Probe measurement mode.
• Incorrect front view trajectory display: The front view of the toolpath is displayed incorrectly—rotated by 90 degrees. The machine table appears rotated in the front view, leading to a misrepresentation of the actual machining position.
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Re: Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby cncdrive » Wed Feb 19, 2025 4:08 pm

-Yes, we could update the tool dia to allow negative tool diameter, but what is the reason to use negative tool diameter?
-Unfortunately we do not have a working HB04 MPG anymore, so we cannot test it. I will check the code though to see if it has any bug which can be seens without testing it.
- On which page and where is the "Moves spindle to/from probe" function? This plugin was developed by one of my collegue who dies in December, so I have to check this myself, but quickly looking I could not find this button.
- Yes, the homing had this issue, we corrected it, it should be fine in 1.2118
- Please further describe this issue. How to exactly reproduce it.
-I don't understand the last point about front view trajectory display.
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Re: Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby elenagilbert » Thu Feb 20, 2025 7:27 am

Thanks for pointing these issues out! The slaved axis homing bug sounds especially concerning for machines with dual-motor setups. I really hope they fix these problems soon to ensure smoother and more reliable operation.
build now gg
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Re: Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby cncdrive » Thu Feb 20, 2025 11:52 am

The homing issue as far as I remember only happens if the machine gets e-stoped while the dual axis is getting homed, but only if the 2 axis are unslaved which happens when one motor reached the home switch and afterr the other started homing but did not finish yet.
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Re: Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby VLTechnology » Mon Feb 24, 2025 5:23 pm

cncdrive wrote:-Yes, we could update the tool dia to allow negative tool diameter, but what is the reason to use negative tool diameter?

Negative values ​​of the cutter diameter corrector are needed to use the cutter wear compensation type. In this case, it is not the cutter diameter that is specified, but the value by which the trajectory must be shifted (the + or - sign before the number determines the compensation direction)

cncdrive wrote:- On which page and where is the "Moves spindle to/from probe" function? This plugin was developed by one of my collegue who dies in December, so I have to check this myself, but quickly looking I could not find this button.

The function in question is located in the "Probe" section (as shown in the attached image). Its purpose is to account for the probe offset during measurements. However, I have noticed a limitation in its current implementation.
For example, when I use the "Reference Probe as Workpiece" function, I expect the probe to touch the workpiece surface first and then—considering its offset—make contact with the tool length sensor. However, at present, the system performs this operation by touching the sensor with the milling tool instead of the probe.
Since I cannot create two different sensors—one for probing with the probe and another for probing with the milling tool—I would like the system to take the probe offset into account when this function is activated. This way, the measurement would be performed using the probe itself rather than the milling tool.

cncdrive wrote:- Please further describe this issue. How to exactly reproduce it.

For example, if at the end of the program the cutter is retracted along an arc in a plane other than g17, the sensor measurement plane changes and an error about an invalid plane for this measurement type appears. It is necessary to cancel the dependence on the active plane and rigidly register only scanning along the z axis.

I am attaching a small trajectory file after which the sensor plane changes.
probe plane bug.nc
(1.36 KiB) Downloaded 58 times

cncdrive wrote:-I don't understand the last point about front view trajectory display.

The photographs show the program image in iso and front mode. In the front view, the image is rotated 90 degrees and the z axis is directed horizontally, while it should be vertical.

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Re: Bugs in uccnc 1.2117

Postby kiark » Wed Feb 26, 2025 10:28 am

When lasering the laser doesnt properly turn off during jog moves and leaves lines behind between the engravings
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