Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

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Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby 2046 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:48 pm


the new UCNCNC v1.2116 does not look production ready, not in combination with the Stepcraft M700 to be specific.

Short description:
1. Default screenset not compatible, the machine does not run
2. Y axis out of sync
3. Lost of Spindle speed. Machine hangs within the process.

Long description:
1. Default screenset
The default screenset is not able to operate the machine at all. The home button for example just blinks with axis home button but it does nothing. Start does nothing. I have not tested anything else other than that.
2. using my screenset (stepcraft_2046 viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3731&start=60) the first time I have started and tried to HOME, the machine with the v1.2116 the Y axis motors went nuts. Each in different direction. I was not able to set it back to normal. I tried it multiple times. The only solution to that was to load previous version of UCCNC and HOME the machine. I left the machine in the middle of the table in its Y and HOMEd in v1.2116 from there. This time it worked.
3. after full work has been done on the v1.2116 the next day after fresh UCCNC start I was able to set the offsets and when I pressed RUN the spindle started slow first and them it went to the actual speed. After say 20cm of flattening the work in the Y direction (straight move), the spindle decreasingly lost its speed (with hiccups) the Y motors to..and the whole machine stopped like never before. Like when it gave up in a human way in its entirety.

I think the v1.2116 should be thoroughly tested on Stepcraft machines before any production use.
For new I consider the v1.2116 be dangerous to use as I'm afraid of the machine.

If thee is anything more, any log I can generate and post let me know.
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby cncdrive » Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:09 pm


Please post your profile file and your gcode file with which the issues happen and then we will try to reproduce them.
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby dezsoe » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:15 pm

That is why it is a development release. It's not recommended using in production. It was tested in many ways, but we can't test or even think of all configurations and coincidents. I ran some test using UC100 and UC400ETH with slaved axes but I could not reproduce any malfunction. Maybe, your profile could help to find the problem.

The Stepcraft machines have a strongly customized screenset which doesn't have the new controls for the new settings.
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby 2046 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:39 pm

Here is my *.pro profile, on github indeed: ...

Keep in mind that the default screenset does not work at all.
My screenset has been able to run at least for a bit.
And also, take this as report, the aim is to fix the 1.2116 so that we can move to it at some point.

To me it seams like the problem came always on the first load. The consequent UCCNC load is for some reason bit more stable (I'm not sure what might be the difference. Maybe some process I have done on second run, like certain homing procedure or something like that...).
It might be pure hallucination indeed, but it looks like it.

btw the work process was super simple, speaking of the case 3.
- Homing
- warming up
- file loaded
- offset set, manually
- run

many of the procedures executed via UCR201

I have attached the file from the 3rd case.
the file from third case
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby cncdrive » Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:53 pm

Dezsoe will test it soon.
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby 2046 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:56 pm

Looks like the problem went away, for now.. the machine was able to work as expected..
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Re: Stepcraft, UCCNC v1.2116 compatibility problem

Postby manny » Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:47 pm

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