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MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:11 pm
by SabreDynamics
Ive been trying to get my PNP NO proximity sensors working on a chinese mach3 bob but I cant get them to register in mach3. The estop is also wired to an input and does work as it should. I also assigned the correct port and pins. Ive been doing some experimenting with @rey8801 but we haven't found a solution yet.

My current wiring schematic is attached below. Just a note, the sensor ground is connected with the input ground via a connection between the negatives of the 5v and 24v powersupply. this would make the sensor circuit work I believe.

Schematic_Sabre CNC 8-8-21_2021-08-08.png

I am using this BOB:
Mach3 bob

which I believe is the same as in this image with some schematics:
WhatsApp Image 2021-08-08 at 12.18.59.jpeg
mach 3 bob schematic

Help would be appreciated, thanks!

Re: MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:24 pm
by SabreDynamics
I measured the voltage between the input pins and the input gnd, and I measured 9v. The e-stop is NC so when it's not activated the signal is active high. when I press the e-step the signal goes to low (0v) and mach3 registers it succesfully. As I inderstand it now, I need a way to bring the sensor signal input to low so mach 3 can also register it. Question is how to achieve this with the PNP NO sensors?

On another note, I forgot to check out the breakout boards on the cncdrive website, otherwise I would have ordered the UCBB along with the uc300eth. Maybe I still will if I cant find a solution.

Re: MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:10 am
by SabreDynamics
Ended up getting the UCBB board, gonna wire it up this week.

Re: MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:51 pm
by Dazp1976
SabreDynamics wrote:Ive been trying to get my PNP NO proximity sensors working on a chinese mach3 bob but I cant get them to register in mach3.
My current wiring schematic is attached below. Just a note, the sensor ground is connected with the input ground via a connection between the negatives of the 5v and 24v powersupply. this would make the sensor circuit work I believe
I am using this BOB:
which I believe is the same as in this image with some schematics:
Help would be appreciated, thanks!

These boards are designed for npn input.
Pnp not work.
Also the input side only works if a power supply is attached to the 12-24v pins.
Simple as that.

Re: MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:09 am
by SabreDynamics
Hey, thanks I figured this out. In the end I went with the UCBB breakoutboard and it works fine now.

Re: MACH3 BOB, PNP NO sensors not working UC300ETH

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 12:14 pm
by Dazp1976
SabreDynamics wrote:Hey, thanks I figured this out. In the end I went with the UCBB breakoutboard and it works fine now.

Same as. Mines on ports 1&2
Great board the UCBB.
I also have the board you asked about earlier on port #3.

I'm now playing around with some cheap multi channel isolation boards to use a load of proximity sensors on ports #4&5

This below works:
It's a 12 channel isolation module from Aliexpress.
24V pnp/npn INPUT to 5v npn OUTPUT.
Sensors on the 24v input side, 5v output side directly connected to input port of uc300eth.