Error WHB04B-4
Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:42 pm
by jpmreno1966
I'm getting an error when trying to use the pendent. Its telling me "WHB0BH-4 Pendant.dll - Defective Plugin Found....Ignoring"
What should I do about this I look and didn't see anything about this problem.
Re: Error WHB04B-4
Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:00 pm
by cncdrive
You should ask the manufacturer of the WHB04B pendant.
It is not our product, so we have no idea why is that error.
What I can tell you is that MAch3 is giving a defective plugin message if something is missing for Mach3 to run the plugin.
It can be a software prerequirement like the .net framework or a C++ redistributable package or a software driver, e.g. a USB driver.
But again, I don't know what that pendant needs, so you will have to ask the manufacturer of the device.