by cncdrive » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:41 pm
I can't do a printscreen now, sorry.
The only setting in the AXBB-E plugin page you have to do is select the analog channel 1. in the "Attach spindle PWM to analog channel" setting.
All the other settings you do in Mach3 the same way as if you would use a LPT port or a digital pin on the motion controller.
It does not matter what port/pin you setup in the MAch3 spindle settings for the PWM, because you will not get and not need a digital PWM signal.
But you setup the spindle the same way as if you would need a PWM, but instead of a PWM you will get an analog 0-10V.
The analog signal will be proprtional to what the PWM duty cycle would be if you would get a PWM signal.
For example if you would get a 50% PWM then the analog signal will be 5Volts. If you would get a 100% PWM then the analog signal will be 10 Volts etc.
And you can't control the spindle PWM with M code, you use the S code for that, for example S12000 should give you a 12000 spindle RPM, if your spindle settings are correct and fit to your VFD settings.