Understanding initial gcode in file.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:04 pm
Question for Balazs himself or some gcode heavies.
Decided against going to the local stripper club and instead I'm going over the gcode file produced by Sheetcam and the Neuron (THC system) post processor.
At the beginning it gives this code:
G53 G90 G91.1 G40
Let's go over the meaning of each of these:
G53 MOVE IN ABS COORDS this appears to serve no purpose. It is a non-modal command that needs to be used in each gcode block (line) it applies to. The UCCNC documentation also says it is an error if it is used without a G00 or G01 in the same line. Therefore am I correct in saying the G53 is not only incorrect but meaningless.
G90 ABSOLUTE DISTANCE MODE that seems OK to me.
G91.1 INCREMENTAL IJK MODE no mention of this command in the UCCNC manual. Also is this command necessary at all, because won't UCCNC recognise the G02/03 command in any case when it has the IJ included instead of an R.
G40 CUTTER RADIUS COMP. OFF is this command necessary. I mean won't UCCNC default to this at the beginning of a newly opened gcode file.
Decided against going to the local stripper club and instead I'm going over the gcode file produced by Sheetcam and the Neuron (THC system) post processor.
At the beginning it gives this code:
G53 G90 G91.1 G40
Let's go over the meaning of each of these:
G53 MOVE IN ABS COORDS this appears to serve no purpose. It is a non-modal command that needs to be used in each gcode block (line) it applies to. The UCCNC documentation also says it is an error if it is used without a G00 or G01 in the same line. Therefore am I correct in saying the G53 is not only incorrect but meaningless.
G90 ABSOLUTE DISTANCE MODE that seems OK to me.
G91.1 INCREMENTAL IJK MODE no mention of this command in the UCCNC manual. Also is this command necessary at all, because won't UCCNC recognise the G02/03 command in any case when it has the IJ included instead of an R.
G40 CUTTER RADIUS COMP. OFF is this command necessary. I mean won't UCCNC default to this at the beginning of a newly opened gcode file.