First of all just to say hello. I have been running a C11 (rev3.1; yes I know) for a few years now when by computer went bananas on me and I was fed up of losing steps and relying on a 15 year old computer and mach3. So I took the opportunity to jump to some a bit more modern and here I am.
Its took me a while to get up and running as I had to modify my box to fit the uc400 and in the process I disturbed some wires and head to start again and check all the wiring. It was crap but it is better now and all the screw connections are tight and properly pushed home (Z axis was a pig to fault and turned out to be a disturbed plug on the driver. So that left me with the spindle to get turning (this is a converted (not by me) Seig X3 or it could be a 2 not sure) and no matter what I did it was defeating me. All 4 axis running and no spindle is a pain.
Anyway to cut a long story short I discovered that the spindle won't turn till you have entered a speed using the MDI box and then it will be run. It has to be done every re-run of the program unlike mach3 so I guess its a bit of a safety feature. Had me puzzled though. I bet there is something in the manual but I have not read it properly yet as I wanted to make sure the kit was running before starting to play.
I just need some info on the steppers now to tune it properly and we are good to go. Guess what the manual (such as it was) has dissapeared and no stickers on the steppers that I can see...
later dudes.