I am having a problem with image etching, which is frustrating me. I an using 1.2115 with a UC400ETH with the Lightburn plugin. I am creating a gcode with lightburn 1.2 using GRBL-m3 which I save as a gcode or NC file format then converting it in UCCNC using the lightburn plug in. Now if I do this with a line or fill mode it turns out fine, but in image mode the etching has lots of streaking and the subject is blurry. The attached image shows a fill on the bottom and 2 partial etchings of a cartoon squatch after a few minutes of etching. I have changed the power and speed settings with no effect as shown in the attached image on white tile. Attached is a .ZIP file of the gcode from lightburn without conversion
after conversion by the plugin slightly different speed and power setting