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Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:38 pm
by bhdavis
I've got a large file that is generating an error message when I click on CYCLE START in UCCNC version 1.2111. First half of the file is pasted in below and the remainder in the subsequent post. You can see the file at: ... 0issue.tap

The message states that my Z-axis lower end limit of -6" isn't deep enough. It says that the file is calling for the z axis to be able to go down to -8.7117".

If you look at the file you'll see no depth of cut reaches even -1.00".

I have the material surface G92Z0 set at the top of my 3/4" thick material. Machine Z-axis height for that point is around -4". Machine 0 is set to the max height of the Z-axis less 1/4". So a G53z0 command will take the Z-axis to 1/4" below the upper Z-axis limit switch.

So given the simple math it makes no sense to me that I'm getting a error message saying the file wants to send the Z-axis to -8.117". With an approx. machine Z-axis location of -4" at the top of the material, and the max depth of cut being less than 1" beyond that, why does UCCNC think the file will be sending the Z-axis down to -8.117"?

I've of course easily resolved the problem by increasing my Z-axis limit in the settings to -10" so this isn't holding up cutting the file. I just don't understand why I'm getting that message.


Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 11:26 am
by ger21
What is the error message?

Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 12:40 pm
by bhdavis
Although reading a different amount this morning this is the message I was getting yesterday. This is sort of all over the place. Don't know if it's the control, the Windows7 laptop or the software.

Again not critical but concerning since one day the error amount reads one thing and the next day something else. And none of it makes sense.


Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 1:10 pm
by Battwell
do you have home switch on your z axis? and if so is it set to auto set?
soft limits have to be set up in machine co ordinates ( which are normally zeroed by homing routine)

Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 3:02 pm
by bhdavis
Z-axis has an upper limit/homing switch but no lower as is typical I believe.

Machine has been homed. G92z0 has been set to the top of the 3/4" thick material and confirmed by repeated touch downs to Z0 after full height raises with G53Z0 and repeated homing of the Z-axis. Soft limits for the Z-axis are 1.25" high (just below the limit switch) and -6.25" low.

Problem occurs.

Now I am relatively new to UCCNC so I can't discount the possibility that I'm somehow causing this by unwittingly pressing a button or changing a setting. Anything is possible.

Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 3:56 pm
by ger21
When you home the machine, what is the Z axis machine coordinate displayed?
Are you sure Machine Z is -4 at the top of the material?

Re: Can you figure out why I'm getting this error message?

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 4:24 pm
by bhdavis

When I home the Z-axis it shows a machine z-location of -.25" which is 1/4" below the limit switch. Yesterday when I was getting the -8" number the material surface was definitely at about -4". That's why this is so weird. The max. depth of cut was somewhere around .5" below the material surface and called out in the file as approx. -0.5". Plus the file ran just fine with no unexpected plunges down into the machine table.
