I've got a large file that is generating an error message when I click on CYCLE START in UCCNC version 1.2111. First half of the file is pasted in below and the remainder in the subsequent post. You can see the file at:
http://www.bhdavis.net/downloads/CNC%20 ... 0issue.tap
The message states that my Z-axis lower end limit of -6" isn't deep enough. It says that the file is calling for the z axis to be able to go down to -8.7117".
If you look at the file you'll see no depth of cut reaches even -1.00".
I have the material surface G92Z0 set at the top of my 3/4" thick material. Machine Z-axis height for that point is around -4". Machine 0 is set to the max height of the Z-axis less 1/4". So a G53z0 command will take the Z-axis to 1/4" below the upper Z-axis limit switch.
So given the simple math it makes no sense to me that I'm getting a error message saying the file wants to send the Z-axis to -8.117". With an approx. machine Z-axis location of -4" at the top of the material, and the max depth of cut being less than 1" beyond that, why does UCCNC think the file will be sending the Z-axis down to -8.117"?
I've of course easily resolved the problem by increasing my Z-axis limit in the settings to -10" so this isn't holding up cutting the file. I just don't understand why I'm getting that message.