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Re: UCCNC version 1.2026 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:44 pm

Thanks Gerry. :)
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UCCNC version 1.2027 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:04 pm

UCCNC version 1.2027 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2027.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

- Current selected g-code line highlighted with selectable color on the toolpath.
- Jog screen did not resize on Window resize event, only when state change, bug fixed.
- Appearance tab page items were reorginised.
- On no screenset text found in the screenset file (zero text) the startup frozen, bug fixed.
- Textentered and Texfield click events were added to the plugin interface.
- Chargepump2. pin configuration was added (except the UC100 which has low pin count).
- Jog safe prode mode was made switchable with off by default. Button JSP to enable/disable it was added to the screenset.
- THC enabled, THC anti dive and THC anti down configurable outputs were added.
- Control keyboard key fixed shortcut was added to override the cont.jog mode to step-jog mode.
- Step mode jogging was converted to DRO based. Textfield for jog step distance was added to the jog screen.
- Laser outputs M10 still had a bug where the command was optimised out and removed after null sized motion commands, bug fixed.
- UC300ETH and UC400ETH DHCP acknowledge timeout was changed from 500msec to 3000msec to support routers with slow response to this command.
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2027 ready for testing

Postby A_Camera » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:32 am

Thanks. Will test the switching mechanism between Mach3 and UCCNC tonight.
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UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:06 pm

UCCNC version 1.2028 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2028.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

- Getvar and Setvar functions were moved to the exec object, so are now callable from macros also.
- M44 motherboard firmware was changed with pullups/downs disabled which caused problem for the inputs voltage range for this motherboard, so the inputs did not work.
- Virtual mouse function was added to emulate mouse move and click with keyboard, enable it with the Tab keyboard key.
- Screeneditor was missing the Add fill button and delete fills was also not working, added and fixed.
- UC300ETH_hi and UC300ETH_low motherboards configurations had an issue and the software did not startup in these modes, fixed.
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:10 am

Testing the virtual mouse. The motion responce is good BUT when you move to a DRO and then enter a number and then hit enter it does NOT stick it clears out the DRO ready for you to enter a number again.

Yep, that's because the enter key keypress is to leave the DRO and in the virtual mouse mode the same key is to enter the DRO.
So, what happens when you hit the enter the DRO is left but the same time the DRO is entered if you are still above it with the virtual mouse pointer.
I think I can resolve this with adding an additional conditional check that if the DRO is in focus then the virtual mouse click code not to execute on the enter keypress.
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby shad » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:57 am

I have similar problem when use pop up calculator for manual data input to the DRO. After then pop-up window closed and new value was validated from plugin, on the DRO still "|" character. May be you can add in the DRO validate function code for unfocus DRO?
-- Andrew
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:16 am

I have similar problem when use pop up calculator for manual data input to the DRO. After then pop-up window closed and new value was validated from plugin, on the DRO still "|" character. May be you can add in the DRO validate function code for unfocus DRO?

OK, I'll look after this issue too.
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby shad » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:40 am

Thank you!
-- Andrew
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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby A_Camera » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:43 am

cncdrive wrote:- UC300ETH_hi and UC300ETH_low motherboards configurations had an issue and the software did not startup in these modes, fixed.

Hi Balazs,

Could you explain this, please? You can do it here, in a new thread or in a mail, I don't want to hijack this thread.

What is a "UC300ETH_hi and UC300ETH_low motherboards configuration"? Is there a way to configure each output so that after power up the outputs are in a state I want them to be? If yes than that's great because I always thought that powering on the UC300 is problematic without starting UCCNC or Mach3 due to the states the outputs are initiated after power on reset.

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Re: UCCNC version 1.2028 ready for testing

Postby cncdrive » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:21 am

Hi Josef,

The UC300ETH_hi and UC300ETH_low configurations are for the UC300ETH module.
The module can be placed into different motherboards, like the 5LPT, M44, 5441 and the module detects the type of motherboard via one of it's analog pins.
There is one resistor on the module and another resistor can be connected to betweem the module's detect pin and the GND and the module reads the analog voltage on the pin which analog voltage is formed by the externally connected resistor and the internal resistor.
The hi and low configs are for the module when it is not connected to any specific motherboards, but is used standalone.
The difference between the 2 configs is if the I/Os are low or high in the inactive states.
The hi and low configs could be also used in self-made motherboards and the developer can configure the module with connecting different resistor values to between the detect pin and GND.

For the startup condition the solution is to use the charge pump signal and charge pump circuit to not allow the external devices to go active until the software startsup.
Also you can use the constructor macro M99998 to set the outputs to the required states, except the hardware type signals, like the M3, M4, step/dirs etc. as these are setup automatically and are not overridable, they have priority over the Set and Clr outputpin function.
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