Hi Terry,
Good to hear you got it going.
The UCCNC installer is getting larger and larger, so the download can take more and more time. It especially grew now because we have converted the UCCNC app. to 64bits, because the UCCNC.exe itself grown to about double it's size with AnyCPU compiled compared to when it was x86 compiled.
With slow internet connection it can become a problem if the download is really slow and the browser cuts the download before it really downloaded.
I remember I struggled recently to download a Chinese VFD manual which was about 35MBytes in size. The Chrome browser just always cut the download before it could actually finish the downloading process.
I ended up writting some C# code to download the file and then it downloaded the file, so it is sure the file was not broken at all, just the browser somehow timed out and did not even give an error message about it, so when I tried to open the PDF an error message poped up and I could see nothing in the document.