UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:25 am

UCCNC version 1.2109 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2109.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

- Arcs problem introduced in previous test version fixed.
- Moveback feedrate parameter was added to the tangential knife control to put the knife back down with the set feedrate after an automatic pullback at high connection angles.
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Wed May 01, 2019 3:43 pm

UCCNC version 1.2110 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2110.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

- M30 macro text file was not executed on M30 command, only the internal M30 function was executed, fixed.
- Gettooltabledata function was missing from the macro interface, fixed.
- G94 reset on file load checkbox was missing from a few screensets, fixed.
- In G93 mode the G80 was concidered a line which requires a feedrate, fixed.
- The UC100 API native dll files were packed out from the UCCNC.exe file to give less suspicions for antivirus softwares to false trigger.
- Changes in the tangential knife handing was made to handle codes where the Z axis moves down from more than a single downwards linear movement. This caused an issue with the previous release.
- Override softlimits did not work for the AXBB-E in the previous release, fixed.
- Motion control API files for C# and C++ development was released (same as what drives the UCCNC software). This enables programmers to write their own machine control software applications. The C# wrapper and native C++ header and lib files are included. Using the motion control API does not require a license key, it can be used for free of charge with our motion controllers. It installs with the UCCNC into the UCCNC/API folder.
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:58 am

UCCNC version 1.2111 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2111.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

- OK button code for the Reset and Question box Forms.
- DRO large number overflow if very large number was written into the DRO was unhandled, fixed.
- Disable toolpath option was added to allow the user to disable the toolpath view to save video memory, useful for very large g-code files and low power GPUs on the computer.
- If the homing was interrupted with external e-stop then the home LED activated when it should not, fixed.
- The laser output and the M10.x/M11.x outputs were not working in the previous release, it was broken due to tangential knife code development, now fixed.
- New plugin: AutoBackupProfile to save backups of the profile files.
- Modbus master plugin got connections and functions enable/disable checkbox setting and the connections can now be queried with the inform_plugin function.
- New plugin: FaultSignals to generate faults and warnings based on signals conditions.
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:18 pm

UCCNC version 1.2112 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2112.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

UCCNC core software:
- Don't compress images option to leave the software picture images uncompressed which leads to better onscreen rendering quality.
- Toolchange DRO and button.
- Fset and Sset DROs are now writeables.
- Getcutdistancestatistics function to read these values from the Statistics Window.
- GotoSafeZ button.
- Checkboxes fillcolor parameter to color the checkboxes.
- Added tooltip for List objects. Clicking a line of a List shows it as a tooltip for 3 seconds.
- Laserplugin updated with the laserimage now shown at 0;0 coordinate in the UCCNC toolpath view. Also the overrun (acceleration/decceleration path) is now shown in the toolpath viewer.
- Separate input debounce parameters were added to the Probe1. and Probe2. inputs.
- Toolpath dimensions button and function was added to show the loaded toolpath extents and dimensions values.
- New Imageviewer control to load picture images onto the screen.
- Webcamera image view was now integrated into the Tools tab page.
- The plugininterface.dll was included into the macros and macroloops.
- New 16:9 optimised screenset with fully new screen layout.

Probing plugin v1.3 (probe screen)
- Reads screenset name and automatic tab selection works only on built-in screensets
- Common axis settings was removed
- Center result was always in machine coords, fixed
- New: Manual probe mode, where you can manually jog the machine to probe
- New: Limit traverse speed option
- New: Separate settings per mode option
- New: Blower to clean the probe

Fault Signals plugin v1.2
- Button 782 (CloseResetandQuestionForms) closes the message window

Modbus master plugin v1.3
- Connection settings were lost if a function was selected first on startup, fixed
- Write multiple functions were not executed in the last release, fixed

C76 fault reporting plugin was added.
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:52 am

UCCNC version 1.2113 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2113.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

UCCNC core and screenset
- Plasma buttons on plasma screen were missing from the previous development release, fix.
- In the laser plugin the image origin was no shown correctly in the UCCNC toolpath view, fix.
- OpenGL bug on some graphics cards caused the UCCNC to crashed on startup, workaround was implemented.
- The home offset did not work on the A axis if the tangential knife was enabled on the A axis, fixed.

Modbusmaster plugin 1.5
- New counters for all/error
- Informplugin: new command to connect counters to modbus array "SetResultRegisters: Conn, all, err", where conn is the name of the connection, all and err is pointer in the modbus array
- small fixes

Probe screen/plugin
- Toggle type buttons for 845..850 (GotoWpProbePos, SetAsMobileProbePos, SetAsFixedProbePos, GotoProbePos, RefCurrentAsWp, RefProbeAsWp). If these functions are called from macro/plugin via Callbutton() then the button state can be checked to wait these functions to complete

Pin mapping plugin
- New: SmallView with tooltip on LEDs
- Switch from AXBB left the AXBB tabs open, fixed
- New pins are included: Blower output, Lubricator output, FaultSignals inputs
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:12 am

UCCNC version 1.2114 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2114.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

UCCNC core:
- New USB driver for UC100 (original one had digital signature problems for new Windows 10 security)
- M30 macro was not executed on M30 g-code file end code.
- MDI had some problems if line numbers were inserted into the code, fixed.
- Mandatory homing option was implemented. If enabled then no motion is generated until the machine gets homed.
- Loadprofile function had problems, now it restarts the software when a new profile is loaded to fix the issues.
- M47 macro call was added which calls the M47 macro on M47 code.
- Few minor changes in the plugin interface, few new functions were added.


Auto backup profile 1.3
- New Informplugin function: "backup:<file>" to create a backup of any file.
- New file (.Restore.ini) in backup folder will be used for automatic restore. (Prepared only.)
- Minor fixes.

C76 Fault Reporting
- Minor fixes.

CNC4PC Pendant (new)

Console 2.5
- Right-click menu.
- Filter by source if lines begin with "<source>".
- Debug switch for plugins. New plugin template has the framework for debugging.
- Full window.
- Save position and size of debug window.
- Selectable opacity.
- System info.
- Quick menu for selected line if line begins with "<source>".

Fault signals 1.4
- Minor fixes.

LightBurn loader 1.0 (new)
- New plugin to convert LightBurn files for UCCNC compatibility.

Messages 1.1 (new)
- New plugin to show messages or dialogs.
- Window and font is scaled up on high resolution displays.
- See sample macro for details.

Modbus master 1.5.3
- Fixed Informplugin function CheckAllConnections: with disabled connection/function the result was bad.
- Browse existing serial connections.
- Minor fixes.

Pin mapping 2.7.3
- Spindle index pin was missing, fixed
- "CurrHi-Pre-1.21xx" pin added as warning for old settings (Stepcraft).
- Minor fixes.

Probing 1.3.4
- Toggle type button 858 (Goto ref.)
- Reference current as workpiece: G10 L2 P0 fixed.
- New: an offset can be set for tool numbers with MobileToolOffset<tool>=X,Y,Z,A,B,C in the profile. Must be set manually editing the profile.
- FixtureChangedEvent now updates FixtureNo (G10 L2 P0 problem).
- Disabled auto layer change for Confirm/Pause if not the standard screensets are in use.
- New: SaveProbeSettings button 885 (not used by default).
- New: LED 310 ProbeInProgress.
- Minor fixes.

On-screen keyboard 2.1
- ? added to text input
- Password input (informplugin: password).
- Shift/mode button added.
- [UCCNC_OSK]/TextFields=<fieldnumber>[,<fieldnumber>...] added to set field(s) as textfield.
- [UCCNC_OSK]/MDIFields=<fieldnumber>[,<fieldnumber>...] added to set field(s) as MDI type.
- Switchable keyboard click for touchscreen.
- In UCCNC_OSK.ini: [OSK]/ClickTone=<frequency>,<lenght in ms> added.
- Multi-display support.

UCR201 1.8
- Enable rewind with stop checkbox.
- Safety button mode to select MPG/keys/all.
- Tabbed window.
- Double-click on function button fields (F1..F5) to pop up a list of functions.
- Probe button can be configured to call M31 or Start probing.
- MPG mode button function can be selected (velocity+step/velocity/step).
- Axis button function can be selected (axis+FRO+SRO/axis).
- Holding the Axis button the axis/FRO/SRO can be selected with the MPG.
- SafeZ button now calls screen button 216 (which calls the M216 macro).
- [UCR201]/SafetyButtonLED=<LED number> can be set in profile to show safety button state.
- GetUSBDevice exception handled.
- Minor fixes.

WHB04BPendant (new)

Sample macro to test the Messages plugin:

Code: Select all
// ================================================================================================
// Test and demo macro for Messages plugin
// ================================================================================================

bool isRunning = false;
DialogResult result;
object returnValue;

// First check if the plugin is running

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)null);
if (returnValue is bool) isRunning = (bool)returnValue;
if (!isRunning)
  // If the plugin is not running then exit macro with error message in status
  exec.AddStatusmessage("Messages plugin is not running");

// Call samples: (object)"dialogtype:text" where
//   dialogtype can be OK, OKCancel, YesNo and YesNoCancel (not case sensitive)
//     dialogtype can be started with ! for warning, # for error, * for close on reset
//   text can contain title followed by | and more lines separated by \n or [nl]

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"OK:Hello test!");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"!OKCancel:Warning title|Hello test!");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"#*YesNo:More lines with error|Hello test!\nSecond line\n(This will close on reset)");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"YesNoCancel:Much more lines|Hello test![nl]2[nl]Third line[nl]4[nl]Plus one...[nl]6[nl]

if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"OK:Hello test! This is a very long line with a lot of blah-blah to resize the window.");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

// You can display messages from the profile (also system messages from the Messages section), e.g.:
// [MsgTest]
// Msg1="Write text in quotes...|... to prevent problems in profile![nl]More lines are supported!"

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"!OK:[MsgTest:Msg1]");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected " + result.ToString());

// Sample for YesNo with code

returnValue = exec.Informplugin("Messages.dll", (object)"!YesNo:Warning! File changed|Your file has been changed.\nDo you want to save?");
if (returnValue is DialogResult)
  result = (DialogResult)returnValue;
  if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
    exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected Yes");
    // Do your stuff here to save the file
    exec.AddStatusmessage("You selected No: game over, haha!");
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:28 am

UCCNC version 1.2115 is ready for testing.
The download link: http://www.cncdrive.com/UCCNC/setup_1.2115.exe

Bug fixes and changes:

UCCNC core:
- Path tolerance value was in some cases overstepped in arcs at connections of arcs at high feedrate/frequency.
- Stop and Reset buttons functions events added to plugininterface.


CNC4PC pendant
- Plugin was renamed from "Pendant Plugin for CNC4PC on UCCNC.dll" to "CNC4PC Pendant.dll".
If you installed version 1.2114 then delete the dll with the long name from the Plugins folder

LightBurn loader 1.2
- Could not start if there was no configuration data in the profile, fixed
- First line check exception fixed (it was not visible, because the exception was handled)
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:51 pm

UCCNC version 1.2116 is ready for testing.
The download link: setup_1.2116.exe

UCCNC core:
- SPI bus communicaiton support for UC300ETH motion controller only.
- Remotesocket plugin for TCP remote control communication.
- Write to tooltable function added.
- Injectcode function to send g-code in a list instead of loading a physical file from plugins.
- Jog distance 0.001 added.
- Block delete function/button was added, so the lines starting with the '/' character are optionally skipped.
- Conditional programming support added with IF/GOTO/WHILE functions supported in g-code.
- G-code view colored per code type for better visual experience.
- Comments MSG optional beep sound added.
- Codeview is now resizeable in Y dimension too.
- Latheview with calculated contour was added to support lathes.
- Lathe profile added to support lathes.
- G7/G8 radius/diameter mode programming mode for X axis to support lathes.
- G95 feed per spindle rev code was added. It supports programmed and measured spindle speed in quazy realtime.
- Wait for spindle to spin up/down support on M3/M4/M5 and S codes.
- G96 constant surface speed code was added.
- Tool offset X was added to support lathes.
- UCCAM can now load splines and nurbs. (Requires the .net 4.5 to be installed on the computer, so Windows XP is not supported for this added functionality. On Windows XP the UCCAM still cannot load splines and nurbs, but it works the same as earlier.)
- Optional graphics smoothing function was added for better visuality.
- Inireader to load/save data to profile file was totally rewritten for more robust and faster operation.

- G91_G19 Arc error bug fix.
- Informplugin Codelist call bug fix.
- G10L1R load table fix.
- Keypress triggers Alt-shift-ctrl special keys bug fix.
- Output triggers calls stop before destructor call fix.
- R parameter made sticky for canned cycle codes to comply the RS274NGC standards.
- Getvar/Setvar bug fix.
- Radius compensation tool offset fix.
- Radius compensation bug fixes.
- G33.1 K var when parametric (coded as a #var) was working incorrectly, fixed.
- Macros P variable rounding bug fixed.
- Jogging after M6 code execution fix.
- OSK escape press gave back infinity value bug fix.
- Tooltable values sorting order bug fix.

Auto backup profile 1.4
- Requires min. 1.2116, compiled in .Net 4, uses Plugininterface.INIReader
Console 2.6
- Requires min. 1.2116, uses Plugininterface.INIReader
- Informplugin: "Clear" command added to clear the console window
LightBurn Loader 1.3
- MinimumVersion lowered from 1.2113 to 1.2111
- Option to replace M3 with M4 if M3 is used for spindle (M3 or M4 is required to enable the laser output)
Messages 1.4.2
- Minimum version is lowered to 1.2113
- Move form using left mouse
- See-through using right mouse
- Informplugin: List:Title{item|item}[index] and ListItem:Title{item|item}[index] commands added
- Restores UCCNC window if minimized
Modbus master 1.6
- Requires min. 1.2116, compiled in .Net 4, uses Plugininterface.INIReader
- Saves in new data format (compact and readable)
Pin mapping 2.8
- Requires min. 1.2116, compiled in .Net 4, uses Plugininterface.Inireader
Probing 1.3.5
- Updated debug system
- OffsetProbeBtn (886), Offset fields (2741..2746) added
- Informplugin: GetLastProbeMach and GetLastProbeMachArray commands added
- Bug fix: ref current had no correction (need gage only)
- SafeMoveTo position check
- Informplugin: GetG43TLO and SetG43TLO commands added
- Tool X offset included
- Calls the Messages plugin if it is enabled
- ProbeOffsetLED (311) added
- Calls cycle stop at end of probing thread if an error occured
- Reset turns off ProbeOffset
- Apply/Save updates field decimals
- CurrentToolHasOffsetLED (312) added
- GotoMobileProbePosition always counts with MobileToolOffset
- SaveAsG43ToolOffsetBtn (887) added
- ReferenceToolNumberFld (2747) added
Talk to me! 1.1
- Informplugin: "Say:your text" command calls the Windows Narrator (works only in English)
On-Screen Keyboard 2.2
- Requires min. 1.2116, compiled in .Net 4
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Re: UCCNC test releases posted in this thread

Postby cncdrive » Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:43 pm

UCCNC version 1.2117 is ready for testing.
The download link:

Bug fixes and changes:

- New profile reader minor bug fixed (bug introduced in 1.2116).
- Toolpath viewer aspect ratio problem, fixed.
- Drilling cycles R parameter bug problem, fixed.
- Some unusual commenting froze the file loading, fixed (bug introduced in 1.2116).
- Negative # variables support added.
- USB drivers installer issue fixed.
- G7 minor bug fixed.
- Wait for spindle bug with the function sometimes waited for infinate time, fixed.
- Software in a few cases did not start and got frozen due to a syncronisation bug, fixed. (bug introduced in 1.2116).
- Run from here function had a bug in G18, G19 mode, in some cases the initial movement coordinates were wron, fixed.
- Laser plugin new feature added to select one direction engraving for machines which have serious backlash.
- DTG value fixed for the laser plugin, showed incorrect DTG values, fixed.
- M7/M8 switching problem, bug fixed. (bug introduced in 1.2116).
- In UC300ETH the step/dir outputs had a glitch in some cases causing minor step losses, bug fixed.(bug introduced in 1.2116).
- Step/dir signals generation timing further optimisation causing even more smooth motion then in previous versions.
- In plasma cutting with M3 then G4 was executed incorrectly, fixed.
- Probe syncronisation bug caused the probe to do a small amount of overrun after tripping the probing point, fixed.
- Lathe jog arrows pointed to incorrect directions on the screenset, fixed.
- Added soft limits enable/disable button to the screenset.
- Tool table tab page redesigned for more logical layout.
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