I’m having such a strange problem. Yesterday, it was impossible to connect to the uc300eth. Last time a couple of days ago it worked fine. I’ve tried everything, and over and over again. Resetting, ip settings, UC utility, different cables etc. Voltage from psu is perfect. No ide cables attached to the board.
The strange thing is that the green led of the ethernet connector is always on, even if the cable is out, and also after resetting. The green board led is signaling ”long, short, long short”.
The least long shoot explanation is that I vaccumed the workshop computer (don’t remember that specificly, but I remember vaccuming) during milling and that a static shock have hit the computer and struck the uc300eth via the ethernet cable. The program went fully through, but perhaps the code was already buffered. Strange that it did not affect anything in the milling thou, if the uc300 got busted.
One thing that makes it more strange is that the earth fault breaker for another part of the house tripped some 10 minutes befor the cnc was done milling. The cnc computer (laptop) was the only thing connected to that earth fault breaker, so it didng affect the milling. I don’t know why it tripped, and it was just to reset it. Perhaps it was a bad thing that the laptop via the cable was connected to one ground ”network” and the cnc to another.
If the tripping of the earth fault breaker busted the communication from the laptop to the cnc, perhaps i didn’t notice that because of that the last lines (10 minutes of milling) was already buffered to the uc300eth.
If anyone have any ideas of what to look into, i’ll super happy.