I am using an M6 macro that has been floating around. For work in on WCS, it works beautifully. It is attached in the code format below.
Is it possible to modify it to update both G54 and G55? For example, if you have two of the same piece in the vice and want to do both in a single setup. The probe as it is seems to operate under whichever WCS it is initiated under.
Thank you.
- Code: Select all
if (!exec.GetLED(308)) // Mobile wp referenced
exec.AddStatusmessage("The workpiece was not referenced.");
bool wasCycleRunning = exec.GetLED(54);
if (wasCycleRunning)
int CurrTool = exec.Getcurrenttool();
int NewTool = exec.Getnewtool();
if (NewTool == -1) // -1 -> there was no T word
exec.AddStatusmessage("There was no T word for the M6.");
string NewToolName = "T" + NewTool;
if (NewTool == CurrTool)
if (wasCycleRunning) exec.Callbutton(128); // Cycle start if it was started
double cpX = exec.GetXmachpos();
double cpY = exec.GetYmachpos();
double cpZ = exec.GetZmachpos();
double cpwZ = exec.GetZpos();
if (!GotoMachPos(tcpX, tcpY, tcpZ)) return;
MessageBox.Show(exec.mainform, "Insert new tool " + NewToolName, "Change tool");
if (exec.Ismacrostopped()) return;
while (exec.IsMoving());
exec.Callbutton(801); // Tool probe
exec.Callbutton(841); // Mobile probe
exec.Callbutton(800); // Quick jump to probe screen
if (!AS3.Getbuttonstate(851)) exec.Callbutton(851); // Zero probed axes
exec.Callbutton(848); // Goto probe pos
while (exec.IsMoving());
if (exec.Ismacrostopped()) return;
exec.Miston(); // Turn Mist On
exec.Callbutton(821); // Start probe
while (!AS3.Getbuttonstate(821) && !exec.Ismacrostopped()) Thread.Sleep(10);
while (AS3.Getbuttonstate(821) && !exec.Ismacrostopped()) Thread.Sleep(10);
if (exec.Ismacrostopped()) return;
exec.Stopcoolant(); // Turn Mist Off
if (exec.GetLED(300)) return; // If probe failed then exit (g-code is stopped!)
if (!GotoMachPos(cpX, cpY, GetMachFromWorkZ(cpwZ))) return;
if (wasCycleRunning) exec.Callbutton(128); // Cycle start if it was started
const double tcpX = -10.7404; // Tool change position
const double tcpY = -0.9035;
const double tcpZ = 0;
bool GotoMachPos(double x, double y, double z)
List<string> codelist = new List<string>(); // Create a new List of strings.
double limitPlus = AS3.Getfielddouble(42); // Z axis softlimit +
bool limitValid = (AS3.Getfielddouble(41) != limitPlus); // Softlimit valid if limit+ <> limit-
double cZ = exec.GetZmachpos();
double safeZ = AS3.Getfielddouble(2734); // SafeZ
double moveZ = cZ;
if (limitValid && (z > limitPlus)) // Check for Z overtravel
if (MessageBox.Show(exec.mainform, "Destination Z is higher than Z soft limit.\nAllow move on Z soft limit?", "Z height warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
z = limitPlus; // Set destination Z to limit+
exec.Callbutton(130); // Stop!
return false;
if (moveZ < safeZ) moveZ = safeZ;
if (moveZ < z) moveZ = z;
if (cZ < moveZ)
codelist.Add("G0 G53 Z" + moveZ.ToString("F6"));
codelist.Add("G0 G53 X" + x.ToString("F6") + " Y" + y.ToString("F6"));
codelist.Add("G0 G53 Z" + z.ToString("F6"));
exec.Codelist(codelist); //Execute the List of g-codes.
while (exec.IsMoving());
return !exec.Ismacrostopped();
double GetMachFromWorkZ(double wz)
double g92offset = AS3.Getfielddouble(502);
double tooloffset = AS3.Getfielddouble(169);
double workoffset = AS3.Getfielddouble(133 + 6 * (int)(exec.Getactualmodalcode(12) - 54) + 2);
return (wz + workoffset + g92offset + tooloffset);