If they are documented somewhere, please let me know, because I read the manuals but I didn't find the answers:
- Safe-Z in absolute coordinates. I need to set the Safe-Z value in absolute coordinates, in order to move the Z axis to the same position regardless the actual working Z value
- Goto zero moves the Z up to the Safe-Z value, then moves to X0Y0 and eventually moves Z down to Z0. Instead I want to G0 ...0 the current axis only. Or at least, moves XY axes only. I never want to move to Z0 (because my zero is on the spoil board surface, below the stock!)
- Probe: when I press this button on the handwheel I want to call a macro (i.e. #20104) not just probing. I know I can use the Fx keys, but because there is a dedicated button it would be much better to use it!
- I'm afraid this is actually a feature request: for all movemenent commands (i.e. start/stop, goto 0, probe, home, etc...) please add a "delay button" feature. That means you have to press and hold for - say - 1 second the button before the command is executed. This would prevent damages if you press a button inadvertently, especially when wearing gloves...
Actually, points 1 and 2 would apply to the UI as well.