UC 300 ETH analog i/o

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UC 300 ETH analog i/o

Postby andrewbishop66 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:17 pm

Hi all
after having my uc 300 eth sitting in a box since may I actually got round to putting it in a case and using it

feeling a bit dumb at the moment as I can't get my head around the analog connections is there a bit more of a guide somewhere ie a diagram the shows 0 >10 v output between these pins and connect 10k pot between these pins for speeds feeds override ect

Thanks for any help

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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:05 pm

Re: UC 300 ETH analog i/o

Postby dezsoe » Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:05 am


Write some details on the analog output problem.

On the analog input you can use 10k pot, connect the two ends to GND and 12V output (e.g. pin1 as GND and pin2 as 12V) and the wiper to analog input 1 (pin3) or analog input 2 (pin4). It will work for you, but 2k5 pot is better if you use long wires. You can set analog input to a variable: "Analog input x -> #var", this will write the analog input value 0..65535 to the selected variable. Or, you can set "FRO (or SRO or JRO) ana. ch." to 1 or 2 to select an analog input to control one of the overrides. E.g. you set FRO ana. ch. to 1 and set min% to 10, max% to 150: you can adjust FRO from 10 to 150% with the pot connected to analog input 1.
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Re: UC 300 ETH analog i/o

Postby andrewbishop66 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:10 pm

Hi Dezoe
ok the inputs are normal voltage dividers that's simple enough 10k pot was just a guess
the output i was hoping to use to drive vfd 0 to 10 volt speed control but that may change now as im considering a different bob

thanks for the simple explanation

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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:05 pm

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