AXBB-E 24V Supply Too High?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:37 pm
In the process of converting a Boxford 190VMC and am going to use the existing 24V supply to power the AXBB-E.
I measured the supply across the capacitor and it reads 27.4V. Is this likely to fry the board? If so, how do I go about reducing this voltage to make this compatible? Completely new to electronics so go easy!
In the process of converting a Boxford 190VMC and am going to use the existing 24V supply to power the AXBB-E.
I measured the supply across the capacitor and it reads 27.4V. Is this likely to fry the board? If so, how do I go about reducing this voltage to make this compatible? Completely new to electronics so go easy!