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UB1 Analog Output

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:01 pm
by SMITYP116
Hello guys, I'm really hoping you can help me.

I have an eth300 with ub1 board. So far I'm really happy but can't seem to get my spindle control working correctly.

I have connected a 10v supply to the AH1 from my VFD. I've metered it and can confirm it's 10v.

I've then got GND from the VFD to AL1 on the Ub1.

AO1 is wired into the AI1 on my VFD.

FWD signal wired in correctly and works.

On the software I have PWM pin 1 and Port4 as per the manual.

I've set the Analog channel to 0 and 1 and it makes no difference.

All solder bridges are as default.

My max spindle velocity is set to 24000k

If I send s24000 via the mdi and ramp the slider to 100% I only see 7.5v on the Meter from AO1.

I would of expected this to be close to 10v if I understand this correctly?

Any help would be a huge help.

Many thanks

Re: UB1 Analog Output

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:57 pm
by ger21
What voltage do you see if you command S12000?
What VFD do you have?

Re: UB1 Analog Output

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:42 pm
by SMITYP116
Hi ger,

I'll need to check what the voltage is at s12000 tomorrow sorry, it was only tested at s24000 today. If i reduced the percentage down on the SW slider you see the voltage reducing from 7.6v. Its a Rexroth 3610 VFD. With all the settings (I can see) set to Analog Input for the frequency output control. When I start the spindle on UCCNC I get the run signal and the spindle ramps up to 50hz only on the VFD display window and stays at that. Dispite the s24000 command signal being sent and 7.6v metered incoming on VFD AI.

If I change the VFD from external source control to the Potentiometer dial on the VFD itself then it will ramp all the way up to 800hz and the speed can be adjusted via the dial. So it must be a VFD setting issue for AI control.

So battling both the 7.6v input signal not being closer to 10v's and the VFD not outputting the correct Frequencies


Re: UB1 Analog Output

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:15 pm
by cncdrive
Try to disconnect the AO1 of the controller from the VFD's analog input and measure the voltage that way to see if it goes up to 10Volts or not.
If it is then your VFD is sinking too much current out from the ananlog port, then you could try a few things like installing some resistance (resistor) between the analog output and the VFD's analog input.
Or if the analog output not going up to 10V this way then the issue is sure settings (check the PWM max. value, make sure it is set to 100%) or the issue is with the BOB's analog output circuit.