Hi there, hope you can help. I’m currently running a mach3 setup with no motion controller and want to change to UCCNC and a controller, I’m struggling a little bit with what I actually need to buy.
This is what I know I need.
UC300-5LPT ETH motion controller
HDBB2 breakout board
IDC26-IDC26 ribbon cable assembly L=250mm (to connect the UC300-5LPT to HDBB2 breakout board)
UCCNC software license key
12v PSU for HDBB2
5v PSU for UC300
1. The 12v PSU, can this just be a 12v 1-2A power brick PSU as I’ll just be using steppers?
2. 5v PSU for the UC300 I assume this can be a standard USB charger as it mentioned the USB version can be powered from the USB port?
Alternatively I have a PC power supply in the cabinet so may break out the 12 and 5 from that.
3. On the HDBB2 there are RJ45 connectors for the steppers, will I also need to buy plugs and cable to make the cables up to connect to the steppers or are these on the site somewhere?
4. Is there anything I’ve missed off the list I’ll need?