AXBB-E + Leadshine EPL D1000Z

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AXBB-E + Leadshine EPL D1000Z

Postby Mrosconi » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:11 pm


I have a question about your experience with connecting AXBB-E with servomotors from Leadshine. I have an ELD D1000Z, so PULS / DIR but I can't start it. I have about three different wiring diagrams here and one of them doesn't work. I'm interested in how to properly connect the ENABLE signal (SRV-ON) and also ALARMS.

I succeeded with one engine, but not with three. Everyone works independently, but not together.
I should have connected the ENABLE signal in the following way. From the + 24V source I go to pins 1 of the driver, ie COM-SI (also according to the Polish it is + 24V) and pin 2 of the driver goes to the AXBB-E O8. The voltage at the terminals is exactly 24V. I tried it with and without the relay and the effect is the same. The driver turns on for a second and then turns off. The ENABLE XYZ lights and the O8 port will flash and it is immediately in Reset, because the E-stop was triggered.

ALARM is connected so that pin 19 of the drive, ie ALR- goes to I1 + on the AXBB-E board. I1- then goes to the source at -24V. ALR +, so pin 18 goes to + 24V on the source.

When I turn it on in such a state, it has to start sanhu, but it turns off immediately. As soon as I change Active Low to ENEBE, after turning off the software (it's in RESET), the drivers will start and everything is fine. From this, conclude that the ENA signal connection is good. The problem will probably be in ALARM. But where and how? Where is it written? I have it assigned to "Limit +", specifically Pin1 Port2 ActiveLow.

Please, if anyone knows what and how, I will be grateful for your help.
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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:49 pm

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