Hello all, First and foremost, sorry for this post!
(I know there is lots of info out there, but I still can't seem to track down a solution)
I think the easiest way to explain this is with a video. Over the last couple weeks I've been trying to tweak the CV settings to
increase the speeds and smooth out the motion some. I use imperial units for the CNC.
My current settings:
Exact stop: 89 degrees
Max corner error 0.003
Max linear error: 0.001
Max Linear addition length: 0.04
Max Linear unify length: 0.08
I used Vectric Aspire for my code and attached is a snippet of the code, including the header and footer.
Tool spec used:
1/8" ball nose bit
Step-over: 7%
Spindle RPM: 12000
Feed rate: 60ipm
Plunge rate: 60ipm
- I have recently read that the axis acceleration could be part of the issue? - haven't tried changing this yet
- I have also recently read that it could be because of the radius and arc movements? - haven't tried changing this yet.
- If I set max linear error above 0.001 the machine will 'Clunk' really hard during motion.
- No other settings seem to change anything?
- Currently running ver 1.2047 - Mostly because of the screen-set. (I ended up corrupting files when I tried to upgrade)
- Z axis is bouncing around, but only within 0.001-0.002 thou.
- Is there anything glaringly wrong with my settings?