by Robertspark » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:44 am
NOTE, these are not finished..... but here is a few more for the screensets...... I'e not had the variables confirmed by cncdrive.... hence when they are confirmed they will be in the manual.
Function: void Addtoolpath( int posX, int posY, int width,
int height, int layernumber);
Description: This function adds a toolpath object.
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the toolpath, and are in pixels.
• The width and height define the dimensions of the toolpath, and are in pixels.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the toolpath will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addtoolpath(80, 39, 372, 306, 2);
Function: void AddUCCAM(int posX, int posY, int width,
int UCCAMnumber, int layernumber)
Description: This function adds a UCCAM object to the screenset. A UCCAM object is basically a window which allows you to display a DXF file within to allow you to view & generate toolpath operations (as shown on the CAM tab).
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the UCCAM object, and are in pixels.
• The width and height define the dimensions of the UCCAM object, and are in pixels.
• The UCCAMnumber is the identifier of the UCCAM object.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the UCCAM object will appear on.
Example: AS3.AddUCCAM(48, 46, 468, 468, 1, 45);
Function: void Addcombobox( int posX, int posY, int width, int fontsize, int fontcolor, 3, int comboboxnumber , int layernumber )
• The posX and posY define the top-left corner position of the combobox object, and are in pixels.
• The width defines the dimensions of the combobox object, and is in pixels.
• The fontcolor is the color of the font in integer format of the RGB color code.
• The fontsize defines the size of the font used to render the field text.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
• The layernumber is the number of the tab layer the combobox object will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addcombobox(532, 126, 130, 16, -16777216, 3, 11, 45);
Function: void Addcomboboxitem(string value, int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function adds a value to a combo box.
• The value defines the string to be added to the combobox.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Addcomboboxitem("Spiral drill", 11);
Function: void Validatenewcomboboxitems( int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function validates the items added to a combo box, it is called after all Addcomboboxitem functions have been called to add items to the combobox with the same unique comboboxnumber.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Validatenewcomboboxitems(11);
Function: void Clearcomboboxitems( int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function clears all items from a combo box.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Clearcomboboxitems(11);
Function: void Updatecomboboxselection( int index, int comboboxnumber )
Description: This function updates the combo box and sets focus on the index item (starting at index zero (0) ).
• The index is the item number in the list to be selected at screen load.
• The comboboxnumber is the unique identifier of the combobox object.
Example: AS3.Updatecomboboxselection(0,11);
Function: void Addcodeview ( string labeltext, string labelfont,
string textalign, int fontsize, int fontcolor, int posX, int posY,
int codeviewwidth, int codeviewheight, int layernumber )
Description: This function provides a g-code viewing window box.
• labeltext defines the text string title of the codeview control.
• labelfont defines the font type used to render the text in the control
• textalign defines the text inside the control's field.
• fontsize defines the size of the font in pixels.
• fontcolor defines the RGB color code in integer format.
• posX and posY defines the top-left corner position of the codeview control.
• codeviewwidth and codeviewheight define the width and height of the codeview control.
• layernumber defines which layer the codeview control will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addcodeview("", "Arial", "left", 18, -1, 42, 350, 387, 339, 2);
Function: void AS3.Addlist( string labelfont, string textalign, int fontsize, int fontcolor, int posX, int posY, int listboxwidth, int listboxheight, int listboxnumber, int layernumber )
Description: This function adds a list box to the screenset.
• labelfont defines the font type used to render the text in the control
• textalign defines the text inside the control's field.
• fontsize defines the size of the font in pixels.
• fontcolor defines the RGB color code in integer format.
• posX and posY defines the top-left corner position of the listbox control.
• listboxwidth and listboxheight define the width and height of the listbox control.
• listboxnumber is the identifier of the listbox object.
• layernumber defines which layer the listbox control will appear on.
Example: AS3.Addlist("Arial", "left", 14, -16777216, 457, 520, 292, 136, 2, 2);
AS3.Addlabel(" ", "Arial", "left", 16, -16777216, 214, 602, 13);
AS3.Addfill(-8355712, 30, 52, 878, 700, 0.35, 1, 4);
AS3.Addcolorpick(570, 168, 26, 26, 1, 10);
AS3.Setscreensize(1024, 692);
AS3jog.Setscreensize(300, 692);