I'm trying to cut small letter out of 20 gauge metal and have found that the speed of the machine is not able to keep up with the software. Which is understandable, but it is creating a huge problem with my THC. My THC (it's a Neuron Simplicity) controls the Z-axis directly, so when the UCCNC software reads the line of code to switch on the THC, the machine is not always in the proper (X,Y) position and if the machine is actually at a corner then turning on the THC results in the torch plunging into the metal.
The pic below shows where my machine was on when THC was turned on. (The letter is about 2" high)
This pic shows where the software was when THC was turned back on. It was actually starting on the next letter.
My question is can the software be adjusted so that is more in sync with the machine position? Or is this a situation where because steppers provide no feedback position to the software servos are needed? Which then brings up my next question, can the UCCNC software communicate effectively with servos in order to keep things in sync?