Rob, Balazs wrote:
There is the .Codesync function in the plugin interface, that function is the same as the .Code function, but it does not start it's own thread, it makes the execution in the same thread where it is ...
I am use only this function for execute code from plugin.
About arc lost all are more easy.
Main thing to store current XY position when ArcOK signal will lost and set XY position for example to the 999999999 value if ArcOK is present. It's not hard.
If Arc Lost issue plugin store current position. If THCON, UCCNC will feedhold XY motion.
If I am want to restart from stored position i have to:
- Code: Select all
UC.Callbutton(130); //stop program
string code = "G00" + "X" + cutRecoveryForm.XposTextBox.Text + "Y" + cutRecoveryForm.YposTextBox.Text + " F" + cutRecoveryForm.SetFeedrateTextBox.Text; //return to the arc lost position
UC.Setfieldtext(true, "Please wait, we repositioning", 2742);
UC.Callbutton(128); //start program
Now Program started, plasma on signal issue and UCCNC wait for arc ok signal for start cutting.
This is more easy for me, because Neuron is Full stand alone controller and M3 command is all what he need, but you have to insert code for IHS (Initial Height Sensing procedure) and lit torch on (it's can be macros).
Before I wrote about main problem -
delay in the UCCNC between ArcOK lost and when plugin can get this signal from Led or input pins. This is 40-60 msec. I hope there is a way to catch this position instant in the controller hardware and send to the UCCNC special register avaiable from plugins (for example ArcLost_event function)
I hope that the UCCNC will help us in this very important moment in the plasma cutting.