Well, let's forget the THC trying to set the voltage for now.
First you need to sort out this initial torch height problem. Do a simple cut that reproduces this Z offset problem but leave the cut plate in position on the table after it's cut.
A simple way to check how flat your plate is relative to the XY rails is get a piece of flat/square bar (anything flat will do). Put it on the plate where you zeroed the first pierce point (not on top of any slag) and zero the torch on top of the bar. Remove the bar. Now jog the torch to another location and put the bar underneath. On a perfectly accurately made table without slag on the slats, and with a flat steel sheet that has not warped with the cutting, you should be able to slide the bar under the torch and confirm your Z zero point is still the same. If you can't get the bar under, the plate is higher at that point. If the bar is loose under the torch, the plate is lower at that point. You can see exactly how much difference by sliding a thinner or thicker bar underneath and measuring the difference. Does anything correspond to the difference in the Z zero position your are experiencing.