All Powermax cutters uses relays for ArkOK signal. This is 5-10 msec.
MAX200Pro and XPR and other in industrial segment uses optocouplers - 1 msec max switching time.
the physical inputs filter (RC) constant with the -5LPT motherboard is approximately 20usec. (not sure what other BoB's are like the UB1)
and the controller samples 3 edges to validate the signals.
Can we not cut this delay down by feeding the ARC OK signal into BOTH the Neuron {or any other stand alone z-axis controlling external THC} UC Motion Controller directly ?
The physical inputs filter (RC) constant with the -5LPT motherboard is approximately 20usec and 3 samples give 60 microsecond. This is a very small value.
One thing - may be use extra, out of turn packet and send it to the motion controller immediately when THC emulation on/off?
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