Which THC works best with UCCNC

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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby Robertspark » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:12 pm

Ok I probably need to qualify the "fast" statement....

Fast as in higher sample rate which would allow for better averaging

And fast as in a quicker time to respond.

A faster sample rate will allow for better filtering, and if the thc is able to use something such as a predictive filtering algorithm it maybe possible to respond faster in that the THC can attempt to predict the likely directional motion that will be required relative to the samples measured.

I am not talking about the speed of the z axis or physical motion.

That for me is something which should be adjusted relative to XY federate

Think we're missing the point of what the op was asking.... Anyone got any recommendations?

Anyone wish to recommend the http://robot3t.com/en/san-pham/compact- ... wn-output/

Thanks Shad, I did not realise that the simplicity stored settings, a good feature
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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby Greolt » Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:59 am

Robertspark wrote:Anyone wish to recommend the http://robot3t.com/en/san-pham/compact- ... wn-output/

I use an earlier version of this THC. Without the external voltage adjusting pot.

It works well for me on my home built 4 x 4 plasma table. Cheap Chinese pilot arc plasma cutter. Perhaps my expectations are not too high.

As far as I can tell it is similar to the Proma (not SD). Maybe faster in that it has solid state switching rather than mechanical relays.
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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby cncdrive » Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:01 am

What I've heard so far about that linked THC is that it is too sensitive to noise. Some customers experienced this and posted on the hungarian hobbycnc forum.
But as we discussed it already fastness in arc voltage sensing means noise sensitivity which is worse than if the THC is a bit slow.
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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby DWhiteR1 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:35 am

I have a Neuron Simplicity.
I'm a beginner when it comes to plasma and the support I received has been absolutely awesome.
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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby nordwind » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:20 pm

To Robertspark and all other wise man:

Thanks alot for this great content. This really made my decision easier.

Ill go with a UC300ETH und Neuron Simplicity + Ohmic Sensor.
Additionally Ill construct a floating head design with electrical switch to detect, when the torch has been liftet of the normal position.

Can't wait to get everything and start updating our machine.

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Re: Which THC works best with UCCNC

Postby cncdrive » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:23 pm

I think that's a good decision, because we have spent an awful amount of time optimising out the THC functions and to add all things to make plasma cutting comfortable with the UCxxx controllers and I've heart only good things about the Neuron THC. :)
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