There are two Proma THC devices....
The Proma THC 150 (the original proma) which sends signals (ArcOK, thcUP & thcDN) back to the motion controller. this THC, M205 & M206 which are internal functions to turn the THC on and off will work and be useful. The output hardware pin is of no use. But the software (internal function) is very much needed.
The Proma SD which ignore the step and direct signals for the Z axis and directly drives the Z axis relative to the arc voltage + Arc Ok one has no use for M205 & M206 ..... given there is no Z axis motion output from the motion controller during cutting motion.
[please anyone considering these, please consider others in the market and read as much as you can as you may be disappointed with their response speed and deadband, and be longing for something else in a short while].
shad wrote:But what I like is the antidive future based on the motion acceleration/deceleration control!
I've always thought about a tuned response (i.e automatically adjust THC response) to the blended trajectory .... but I know that the responses I was given over on the Mach3 forum was basically if the torch needs to go up.... it needs to go up now..... and if it needs to go down.... it needs to go down now.
shad wrote:May be now replace M205/206 hardware output to the "antidive hardware output" and name this signal 'Corner' . I think in this case we can not use Sheetcam rules for corners, end of cut....
I don't think changing it to "corner" is a good idea personally...... M205/M206 = THC on/off.... without M205/M206 how are you going to over-ride the THC on / off....
The output is really "THC hardware output control"
There are other corner THC inhibit M-codes which are:
M208/M209 - anti-dive on / antidive off (synchronous)
M210/M211 - anti down on / anti-down off (synchronous)
But I know that they are no help to you.... unless you feed their change in state of the LED's out your Ethernet connection to inhibit for corners
LED 240 - THCantidiveenabled - On when the THC anti dive function is enabled. [ok this one only toggles the anti-dive feedrate % control, i.e. feedrate below 60% or 80%, inhibit THCDn, not much use to the Neuron, given you won't know what the blended tradjectory actually is fast enough to inhibit motion relative to the target feedrate]
LED 242 - THCantidownenabled - On when the THC anti down function is enabled. [this on you could use and the latency of LED updates + ethernet should not affect it (i.e. you can use a sheetcam corner snippet to add M210 (at the start of corners / circles ~-10mm [minus = before]) and M211 (at the end of corners / circles ~+10mm [plus = after] )
Here is a bit of a suggestion..... what about kerf crossing?
I have wondered about the cnc controller software being a little more intelligent given it shows the toolpath..... is there no way for it to detect when the tool paths cross (or are in close proximity) and can toggle M210.... it's not something which affects me, but I guess if you did artwork with a plasma it may be a useful function?
[Sorry bit off topic from M10/M11, but related to the other commands denoted above]