shad wrote:Rob, the M209/M210 + M211/M212 commands allow to activate/deactivate antidown and antidive future. But the state of the correspond pin is change when antidive or antidown event issue.
Andrew, I don't think that is 100% correct.
In order to use M209/M210+M211/M212, you need to enable THC (M205) or they will not work
M209/M210 = THC antidive Down {when feedrate drops belowthe threshold percentage setting}.
Firstly change the "threshold percentage" to zero (0%)
Now you can toggle the output when ever you want in sync with motion.
M211/M212 = THC anti down
This you can toggle at any time {providing M205 THC / AVC is enabled}
Remember UCCNC is not intelegent with regards to THC control {it cannot see / know THC "events"} ..... It does not know what the voltage is..... it can only see ArcOK, THCUP/THCDN.
So if you want to lock the z-axis from diving you need to enable M211.
If you want to use automatic feedrate antidive, you have to enable M209 + set the feedrate threshold percentage
UCCNC cannot see the "event" you talk about in your post.
Open up UCCNC and go to the configuration >> I/O Setup tab.
Setup the pins for AVC, THC antidive + THC antidown (say port 2, pins 4,5 & 6 {easy to see})
Now you can either toggle the checkboxes or go to the run screen and use the MDI to enter: M205, M209 + M211 and M206 one at at time and each time you enter the Macro in the MDI have a look at the diagnostics screen and the pins status, you will see them change.
No it is not "the best" solution.... because you
must enable M205 in order to use M209 + M211....... but that all depends what you want to use M209+M211 for.... do you need to have a "master" output enabled or do you want them run individually.
With the neuron it does not matter which macro you actually use for AVC as again UCCNC is not intelegent ..... the only "event" it sees is arc OK {and if you set the feedrate threshold to zero (0%) then the feedrate will have no effect on M209