Remember Arc Lost position

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Re: Remember Arc Lost position

Postby beefy » Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:26 am


just a thought here. Is it good to mix up focus like this inside one thread ??

We've went from quite a concentrated focus on mid cut restarts and torch refire after a flameout, to talking about implementing a THC fully in the UC300, etc (which I think would really increase sales for plasma use).

I feel we were really getting to the core of the matter on the flameout matter before attention was diverted to the THC suggestion. That happened in a previous thread which simply led me to create a new thread on the matter that WAS at hand.

I'm looking to do the same here ?? correct me if I'm wrong.

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Re: Remember Arc Lost position

Postby Robertspark » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:48 am

Sorry, I think it was me.

But reading the thread again, I thought it was time to write or review a macro or two and try a few restarts, and report findings. I was going to have a look at how it may be possible to back up one line of gcode (motion) at a time, and try to flag up if the previous gcode line was a non movement line command (such as g4, m3, touchoff (m1031 for me), thc enable (m206) etc ).... as there is no point at back stepping through those commands one line at a time..... that was my thoughts at the time on this subject.

Instead of starting a new thread, it may be worth bringing it back on track.

(There is a separate thread asking for specs on the analogue inputs)... that is really all we can do as users... up to cncdrive if they want to develop that (hence me providing all the info I can in that thread)

(There is some logic to this although it's hard to have a thread follow purely one topic when lost arc operation is affected by thc a bit)
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Re: Remember Arc Lost position

Postby Robertspark » Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:06 am

Also, I had another thought about (trying to, haven't got a clue how yet) evaluating the current line of gcode relative to the direction of tradjectory .... then backing up and storing an m10 position 10mm before the lost arc position (adjustable relative to feedrate at time of lost arc).... and then backing up to a restart position to allow the flying start....

I'll write how I thought about doing this later.... not sure about if you had a lost arc issues where the current line was g02/g03 though....

I hadn't finished on the topic I just needed to put pencil to paper and get next to machine.... plus I wanted to sort my m3+m10 OR/AND gate hardware solution which would be required for lost arc restart testing.
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