Re: Rember and Return function
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:22 am
Hi Terry,
It's not the first time I meet G0 G53 Z0 as a safe position for Z. It may be a good practice on some machines, but there are others that don't have 0 at the top. As you could probably find out, mine also don't have the Z0 there. Before 2101 I set 50 to Write offset on homing and my SmartHome macro pulled Z back to 45. In 2101 and later I set 45 to Write offset on homing and -5 to back off. Also, my softlimit Z+ is set to 45. Running to Z0 in machine coords could make some trouble on my machine... I don't know what would be the best way: parametric, input, anything else? In my macros when I have to pull up Z fully I use the softlimit value, but you cannot guarantee that on others' machine softlimit is set.
Sorry, I don't know the resolution, only the problem...
Hit { REM } this records teh XYZ Position infomation and any Modal modes This is teh point of return. It then raises teh Z up to ZHome( G53 X0)
It's not the first time I meet G0 G53 Z0 as a safe position for Z. It may be a good practice on some machines, but there are others that don't have 0 at the top. As you could probably find out, mine also don't have the Z0 there. Before 2101 I set 50 to Write offset on homing and my SmartHome macro pulled Z back to 45. In 2101 and later I set 45 to Write offset on homing and -5 to back off. Also, my softlimit Z+ is set to 45. Running to Z0 in machine coords could make some trouble on my machine... I don't know what would be the best way: parametric, input, anything else? In my macros when I have to pull up Z fully I use the softlimit value, but you cannot guarantee that on others' machine softlimit is set.
- Code: Select all
exec.Code("G00 G53 Z" + AS3.Getfielddouble(42).ToString("F4")); // Go to Zaxissoftlimitplus
Sorry, I don't know the resolution, only the problem...