Is anyone able to modify the fusion 360 post processor to do a g53 Z0 after the pause for manual toolchange and before the spindle starts up , I am finding the probe function only returns the spindle to where the probe started from , which is always as close to the touch probe as I can get which is lower than the piece I am machining , if I forget to lift the spindle it crashes into the workpiece
Or is there a setting in the probe use that will do this automatically after a tool probe
example of my current gcode produced for a manual toolchange
(2D Chamfer2 (14))
(Move to tool change position)
G53 X40. Y55.
M0 (Pause program for tool change)
T9 M6 (chamfer mill D=6. 6 mm chamfer tool)
S28000 M3
G43 H9
G0 X5.55 Y54.