Macro - SmartHome

Here is where you can drop off Examples of WORKING macros,plugins,Gcode programs , macro Wizards etc.
Please give a brief description of what it is and how it works.

Re: Macro - SmartHome

Postby Battwell » Tue May 01, 2018 6:23 pm

dezsoe wrote:
Battwell wrote:would be nicer if it would back off to an encoder index pulse :-)

:) That's your job on the hardware side to synchronize home switch with the index pulse. Lot of people do it to make homing more precise.

suggestions on best way to achieve this? i already have encoders with z pulse. only way i could see was to use a probing routine?
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Re: Macro - SmartHome

Postby Battwell » Wed May 02, 2018 8:39 am

im sure the lovely developers at cncdrive will add it one day . - another great selling point feature that i could rave about for them ( do they realise how many extra sales ive got them from the facebook groups so far? - loads! )
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