by Robertspark » Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:24 pm
[having a lot of epiphanies this evening!]
Function: string Readkey(string section, string key, string defaultvalue)
Description: This function reads a key value from the profile (.pro) file. The section and the key parameter defines which key to read from the profile file and the function returns with the defaultvalue parameter if the key does not exist in the profile file. The function returns a string type.
Example: string mykeyvalue = exec.Readkey("axessettingscontrolX", "Axisenabled", "False");
Function: void Writekey(string section, string key, string value)
Description: This function writes a key value into the profile (.pro) file. The section, and the key parameter defines which key to write to the profile file. The value parameter is the new value to write. If the key already exists in the profile file then the function overwrites the key with the new value. If the key does not exist then the function creates the key in the file with the set value.
Example: exec.Writekey("axessettingscontrolX", "Axisenabled", "False");