Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other plu

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Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other plu

Postby ger21 » Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:31 pm

My 2022 screenset has a lot of screen elements controlled by a plugin, and the plugin also does probing, Z auto zero, and several other functions. One of my users is telling me that when he configures the XBox controller plugin to activate a screen button, it's not working. If I setup Hotkeys for the buttons (10670 & 10672), they work correctly.
Is the XBox pluging doing something different, or do I need to change my plugin for it to work?
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby eabrust » Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:27 pm

Hey Ger,

Can you clarify which Xbox plugin you're referring to, the one that comes w/ UCCNC, or my version ?

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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby ger21 » Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:13 pm

Hi Eric.
I see that it's your plugin. Any idea's? I can send you a link to the screenset if that will help.
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby ger21 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:00 pm

@dezsoe @cncdrive

Eric did some testing for me, and apparently, for Callbutton() to work in a plugin, the button number must be 20,000-20999, the same as a macro? Is this by design, or a consequence of the limited range for macros?
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby cncdrive » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:04 am

Yes, thats the range for macro calls, but the Callbutton should also work with the standard built functions.
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby ger21 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:10 am

But if my functions in my plugin, which are activated by buttons out of range, Callbutton will not trigger them.
So I guess I need to change my button numbers to the 20,000-20,999 range, even though I'm not using macros?
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby dezsoe » Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:20 am

Callbutton triggers any button number. There's no difference between any numbers: even the internal button calls trigger the Buttonpress_event.
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby ger21 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:55 am

My plugin has code that runs when button 10670 is pressed.
If another plugin (or even my own plugin) uses Callbutton(10670), the code will not run. It will run from a hotkey, or a screen button, but not from Callbutton().
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby dezsoe » Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:29 pm

OK, I wrote a quick test plugin. The Buttonpress_event contains the following lines:

Code: Select all
            DebugInfo("Button pressed: " + ButtonNumber.ToString());
            if (ButtonNumber == 1)

And here are the results after creating a button using button number 1, pressing reset, home all and then the new button:

Code: Select all
<CallbuttonTest> [ButtonPressedEvent] Button pressed: 144
<CallbuttonTest> [ButtonPressedEvent] Button pressed: 113
<CallbuttonTest> [ButtonPressedEvent] Button pressed: 1
<CallbuttonTest> [ButtonPressedEvent] Button pressed: 10670

- DebugInfo writes to the console.
- The name of the event handler is different, but it is called by the Buttonpress_event in a try-catch.
- Button 10670 was "pressed" by the Callbutton.

Writing about the try-catch: if your plugin throws an exception in the Buttonpress_event then you'll have the same result as if the event wasn't called. Try to catch exceptions in your handler, maybe, that is the problem.

Code: Select all
        public void Buttonpress_event(int ButtonNumber, bool OnScreen)
                // Do your stuff here
            catch (Exception ex)
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Re: Xbox controller plugin not sending button press to other

Postby ger21 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:07 pm

I don't think you understand what the issue is.
Eric's XBox plugin allows you to assign button numbers to the xbox controller buttons.
When his X Box plugin does a Callbutton(10670), the code in my plugin for my button 10670, does not run. my screen button works, and I can create a hotkey to run button 10670, but Callbutton() from another plugin (or macro I think) will not runthe code.
According to Eric, if the button number is between 20,000-20999, it will work.

Write two plugins, and add a button 10670 and 10671 on the screen.
Plugin 1:

do something when button 10670 is pressed.

Plugin 2:
When button 10671 is pressed, do Callbutton(10670)

The second plugin will not run the code in the first plugin.
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