Is it possible to add an "estimated probe time" to the autoleveler plugin. (just above the "settings" button ??)
Something simply such as
- the plugin can see the number of probe points from the loaded gcode file and your "Total Points"
- the plugin knows the "points in X & Y directions" {so it knows the number of travel / traverse rows}
- the plugin knows that the "probing depth" is x units (say estimated travel is ~2/3rds of the probing depth for simple estimation).
- the plugin knows the "travel altitude"
- the plugin knows the X length and the Y length
So the math for the estimate becomes
Total Points x 2 = Apoints
Apoints x "Feed Altitude" = Total Feed Altitude Distance
Total Feed Altitude Distance / Travel Speed = Total Est. Feed Time
Apoints x 2 / 3 x "Probe Altitude" = Total Probe Altitude Distance
Total Probe Altitude Distance / Travel Speed = Total Est. Probe Time
("X length" x "points in X Direction") + Y Length = Est Total X
("Y length" x "points in Y Direction") + Y Length = Est Total Y
Max (Est Total X, Est Total Y) / Travel Speed = Est Travel Time
Total Est. Feed Time + Total Est. Probe Time + Est Travel Time = Total Estimated Probe Time
Yes this does not take into account axis acceleration, but what it does do is give you an idea of how long you can leave the machine to do its probing thing and is
just a rough approximate estimate.
If I was probing something large with a lot of points it may be helpful {poor mans Plasma Leveller??}