vedecoid wrote:However, what I don't understand is that they are not making the source code for the existing plugin available for someone else to start from. UCCNC is a fantastic piece of software in itself, but part of the appeal for me was the ability to write plugins in C# which I'm very familiar with. The mleast that should be available is source code for the existing plugins. For this HD04B-X, the difficult part is not the HID sniffing and figuring out of the protocol used for someone with the right experience and the right tools. HID is a very simple protocol. This info is by the way already available on github and in various forums provided by folks who wrote a working LinuxCNC driver for it. What would be difficult and time consuming for someone like me with the experience of writing HID software in C# is figuring out how to integrate existing HID communication solutions that we wrote before into the UCCNC plugin framework. Hence the question again : can you please open source the existing plugin ? If that isn't possible, I can only conclude that this is rather based on an attempt to make the purchase of the CNCDrive pendant the only viable option for your customers. I'm sure though that that is not the case.
Crikey, it's true what some people say - we live in a society where people expect stuff for free.
Cncdrive is a business, not a charity. Business is hard enough without giving away your hard work. If there's one thing I learned in business it's that many customers will take take take at your expense.
Why on earth should they design and develop a hardware pendant, then give away the source code so others can reverse engineer THEIR product, or make 3rd party pendants, and cause lost sales to Cncdrive. If there was some business gain accomplished by doing that then OK but I can't see what it would be. It's completely normal for many businesses to want the sales to themselves. Why on earth would they want to help the competition while they lose.
But in this case it goes further than that. I can see a bunch of 3rd party design pendants producing a lot of support questions for Cncdrive, and that is not really fair. So not only would they lose sales but they also get their time taken up dealing with questions, due to 3rd party equipment which may not interact correctly with UCCNC. What if the 3rd party pendant plugin caused issues that APPEAR unrelated to the pendant. Then customers start blaming Cncdrive for issues that are not of their making. Result, more lost sales.
Personally I like everything done by Cncdrive, then when there is a problem you know it's THEIR problem and they can work on a fix.