Give option to make Aux Encoders 360

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Give option to make Aux Encoders 360

Postby Flexo » Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:26 am

As subject describes. It would be good to be able to make the Aux encoders roll over at 360 degrees.

I would personally use them on the spindle (with encoder) to verify its on position for tool change. Already done via a servo drive output, but an actual number inside UCCNC would be nice :)

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Re: Give option to make Aux Encoders 360

Postby cncdrive » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:37 pm

You can do it yourself with a macroloop, just place your own DRO and in a macroloop make a division with remainder using the value of the Aux encoder DRO % divided by the encoder per turn resolution, that will give you the remainder value of the division, so for example your encoder resolution is 360 and the position is 722, then 722%360 = 2, so this will give you a rollover. And just write the calculated value into your own DRO.
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