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Feedback for job workspace software limits

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:22 am
by johu
Sometimes I get the warning:
The current job workspace is out of the set software limits.

For this, I have a feature request:
Could the message box, or the message window output a line number for the first "out of software limits" message?
e.g: "First outside X-axis software limit at line: #43"

And a question:
Why is the equal sign "=" included in the "<=" message?
I mean, it's ok to go to the exact limit, but not over.

Re: Feedback for job workspace software limits

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:16 pm
by cncdrive
I will check if we can add the line number information.
I'm not sure about the <= sign, will have to check.

Re: Feedback for job workspace software limits

PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:31 am
by johu
Hi there,

I was just checking if this issue was fixed in version 1.2114, but apparently it is not (yet).

I think the equal sign should be removed from the message because it is perfectly legal to move the machine to the hardware limits by MDI.
E.g. G0 G53 Y0 entered in the MDI perfectly OK, but in a .nc file it is not... weird.

Explicit mention of the machine coordinates would improve the message semantics.
Also a line number reporting the line where the limit is exceeded would help very much.

Hope you can find some time to fix this issue.

Something like this: