UCR201 MPG Step/Speed Direction

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UCR201 MPG Step/Speed Direction

Postby Matt » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:14 pm

Would like to put in a Feature Request for the ability to adjust the direction the MPG Step/Speed goes on the pendant when the MPG Step/Speed button is pressed to change step size. Right now it changes from 0.001 -> 0.01 -> 0.1 -> 1.0 each time it's pressed. On most things that makes sense but it's is the opposite of what it gets used for. It's not driving a car or audio volume... I don't want to slowly increase step size. I want to dial in locations and smaller steps are required as I get closer to the part. Pressing it 3 times rapidly introduces a risk of a 4th press which can almost guarantee a crash by moving way too far on the next MPG click.

Please feel free to jump in and tell me it's foolish and why. Here's my thought process on the matter. Assuming each part setup cycles between these 4 it results in a unnecessarily large number of button presses. Assuming you started off at 0.001:

From 0.001 change to 1.0 (press 1 times, that's quite the jump for a single button press!)
From 1.0 to 0.1 (press 3 times)
From 0.1 move down to 0.01 (press 3 times)
From 0.01 to 0.001 (press 3 times)

That's 10 button presses for a single axis to change between 4 options, or 30 on a typical 3 axis. I'd like to argue should be closer to 12 be decreasing the step size on each button press. Or if long-time users have become accustom to it perhaps just a way to adjust the preferred direction in the settings.
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Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:56 am

Re: UCR201 MPG Step/Speed Direction

Postby 2046 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:39 pm

Well the jog dial acts stupid as is, so no wonder you want it to be done right.

The problem is that each of us has naturally a feeling that once you have a wheel which you can rotate slow or fast unlike pressing buttons [forwards, backwards] the machine will move according to the rotation speed.
Which is false in actual reality.
No matter how many times we say to our selves that it is stupid to rotate slow or fast we naturally do it each time we use it.
And that is how it should behave! The wheel should not increase or decrease a value based on defined step size but according to the rotation speed.
It would not be hard to check the values in time within the plugin and based on that choose small or bigger increments... the tiny delay it would possibly cause will be negligible.
But as far as I know it is proprietary and so we cannot change it.

Yes it would be awesome if the plugin has another jog speed choice and that is a "natural" mode when it changes values based on the jog rotation speed.

I even thought of just selling the UCR201 and make my own.. just because how awkward it feels and how non-user friendly it is made in general. All buttons should be customizable. And foremost, none of the button should substitute crucial functions such as [x,y,z,a,speed, feed] in one button and the like, that is just nuts.
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