Struggling with new setup.

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Struggling with new setup.

Postby ian8555 » Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:24 pm


I have been setting up my new machine, a woodworking gantry 3 axis, 2 stepper motors on the Y, home and limit switches on all axis. Working with a axxb controller and ucr201 pendant.

I have a small tool probe on the front left of the machine, the homing sequence is to the rear left, I have a vacuum bed in the middle and a front work area overhang on the front.

I have been trying to figure out my work flow and I like to keep it as simple as possible, as I find it works best like that.

I switch the machine on, reset with MPG F5

Home it to the rear left, MPG Home this becomes my furthest out of the way "park", to get here later I can press MPG Goto Zero

To get to work I can got park 1 2 or 3 MPG F1 F2 F3

F2 + F3 are parked out of the way positions.

F1 parks directly above the tool probe, meaning I can then MPG Probe for the current tool. My thinking being I set in uccnc settings that an M6 call stops the spindle and waits for restart, during that stop I can send the spindle to F1, change the tool manually and then Probe on the MPG and then cycle start.

Problem is when I perform a probe and zero the axis relative to the tool setter, then the Safe Z and the Goto Zero don't work anymore. I have played around with the M31 macro and I can't get my head around it and whatever I do, I either have to compromise my approach or the fact I have got the MPG that some of the buttons stop working or suddenly I become a programming genius to make it work.

I am quite surprised that it isn't more straight forward and looking on the forums other people seem to relish the opportunity to figure out the problem with reems of code, what does that mean for the layman?

Am I being stupid and missing something?
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Re: Struggling with new setup.

Postby ger21 » Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:42 am

Is it just the MPG buttons that stop working, or do the buttons on the screen stop working too?
UCCNC 2022 Screenset -
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