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Macro not running OR SOMEONE TO BE HIRED

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:50 pm
by Antonyart
Hi... to all i would like some help.
First i need to say that im a total noob in macros and anything that has to do with programming.

I started using UCCNC with Axbb controller i have set up my cnc and everything works ok... i bought screenset 2022 witch is amazing and Neon Screenset. i also found here Stepcraft screenset witch has a feature i like but cant make it work in other Screensets. ... sp=sharing

In this folder i have the macro M20201 that stepcraft screenset uses to calculate the length of the current tool with a fixed tool length sensor and then it tells you to change tool recalculates it, and automatically sets it to the first 0...

all other screen sets have something similar but not without probing first and then changing the tool to reprobe.

I want to manually set a z0 (G54 z0) and when i press a button aka like stepcrafts screenset to go to a fixed position where i have my fixed tool length sensor probe the current tool, ask to change tool, reprobe and compensate for the difference to have the same initial Z0.

As you can see from the screenshot in the drive i have created a button to the default screenset (changed all the macros in Default folder with the ones from Stepcrafts and still it doesnt work. I have included the macros to be read from someone that understands and can help.)

Im willing to pay someone that knows to write me a macro to to a manual tool change without having to first probe. If possible)

thank you... if its something that needs to be writen from start and someone is willing to do it please email me at " "

Re: Macro not running OR SOMEONE TO BE HIRED

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 6:54 pm
by ger21
I'm hoping to have time to look into this sometime this week. I think I can make a macro that works with my screenset.

Re: Macro not running OR SOMEONE TO BE HIRED

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 7:10 pm
by Antonyart
That would be great! Gerry thank you!

Re: Macro not running OR SOMEONE TO BE HIRED

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:24 am
by Antonyart
Just an update.... Gerry made a macro that does offer an easy manual tool change with any Z0. It's super easy now to change tool and keep the same Z0 no matter what and where you have it placed...
I think his Screenset is one of the best choices you can make for UCCNC... Thank you!!!