I did this like this:
I defined a TCP (Tool Change Position) in machine coordinates. In that position I have a fixed probe, only for measuring tools.
First, I had to find out where (on Z axis) is the touch plate.
For this, I use a tool with known length, declared as Master Tool, or Reference Tool in Probe page.
To find out the Z position of the TP (Touch Plate) I made a macro. This is used for "calibrating" the TCP-TP mcZ position.
You can find the macro here:
https://github.com/Haimana/HTM_ATC/blob ... M20330.txtThis macro, corelated with the known length of the Master Tool, will get and save in the profile file the mcZpos of the touch plate. This is the TCP-TP calibrating part.
The mcZpos remain untouched in profile file until the next run of M20330.
Hello Sebba
Im curios to know what a tool with a known lenght is ? lets say i have an 3dtouch probe that i would like to be Master tool ! i have the toolsetter mounted at no special cordinate . So touching off the 3dtouch probe with M31 and write to tooltable with the code snippet you posted , would that make it the known tool lenght ? or am i missing the plot completly
Kind regards