extent wrote:The Addslider() example parameters is just a copy of the addMDI params
Function: void GetRotate(out double Rx, out double Ry, out double Angle)
Description: This function returns the current G68 rotation point and rotation angle.
Example: double Rx, Ry, Angle;
GetRotate(out Rx, out Ry, out Angle);
Function: void GetRotate(out double Rx, out double Ry, out double Angle)
Description: This function returns the current G68 rotation point and rotation angle.
Example: double Rx, Ry, Angle;
exec.GetRotate(out Rx, out Ry, out Angle);
Function: int Getcurrentgcodelinenumber(void)
Description: This function returns the line number of the g-code file pointed by the current line DRO pointer.
Example: int linenumber = exec.Getcurrgcodelinetext();
Function: int Getcurrentgcodelinenumber(void)
Description: This function returns the line number of the g-code file pointed by the current line DRO pointer.
Example: int linenumber = exec.Getcurrentgcodelinenumber();
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