no devices found!

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no devices found!

Postby hanica » Wed May 08, 2024 6:41 pm

I have just recieved my 3 dg4s8020 drives
running mach3 windows 10 all runs as it should
connected up the usb tuning stick to a drive and a laptop running win 10 .
The servoconfigurator says NO DEVICES FOUND !
Ive tried everything and no change, im running the 5v input.
and the computer recognised the usb stick but its not uploading drivers, as it says in device manager, but there is no drivers file in programe files ?
any Ideas what to check next?
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Re: no devices found!

Postby cncdrive » Sat May 11, 2024 3:50 am

Makes usre to put the drive in normal running state (red LED off and green LED blinking on the drive), because the drive communicates via the USB only when it is in the normal running state.
For that you will have to remove all faults from the drive, so you will have to connect at least the 12Volts to the Main connector of the drive and you also have to connect an encoder to the Encoder connector.
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