Probing circle outer - How to setup

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Probing circle outer - How to setup

Postby uspl » Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:59 am

Hi all
Just getting started with probing on UCCNC. I am OK with outside corners and circle inner but am stuck on circle outer.
Watched about 4 hours of YT but no wiser so hoping for help here

Any pointers or better a step by step would be most appreciated.

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Re: Probing circle outer - How to setup

Postby uspl » Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:02 am

Three hours later I worked it out

Outer diameter probing

Place the object fixed to the worktable.
Place the probe at the approximate centre of the object, about 5mm above the object upper height. Watch for clearance of surface features or clamps.
Select Outer Circle Probe
Set P1 to X and make the value equal to the approximate radius plus 10%
Same for P2 for the Y axis
Set the Clearance value to something like -5 to -10 AND SET IT TO Z !!
This will tell the probe to move down to this value when probing. It needs to be a number that goes just below the surface of the object without hitting the worktable. Watch out when probing very thin materials.
Set Fast Find to 150mm and Slow Find to 10mm
Start probe.
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Re: Probing circle outer - How to setup

Postby dezsoe » Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:15 am

Yes, that's it. When you select a probe mode then you get an info line which describes what will happen. If you select the circle outer mode then you'll see that it's 3 "find outer" in sequence. If you then select the outer mode then you'll see how it moves. The black point on the buttons always shows the starting point.
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