External control.

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External control.

Postby camivic » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:42 pm

Hi guys,
i've just finished to buid an external controller for UC300, with joystick and button to control the major function of UCCNC.
I have a problem with axis Jog: when i move the stick of each axe, the movement is continuos even if i release the stick.
To stop the movement i'm forced to push the reset button.
For the jog movement i used thebutton number from 147 to 151.
The other button function, example "start2,"Home axis" etc, works very fines.

Someone have any solutions?


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Re: External control.

Postby cncdrive » Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:36 am

I assume you using the input triggers to call the jog button codes, correct?
If so then you also have to attach the release edge of the signal to the corresponding jog stop button codes,
because you configure the jog start code of an axis to an edge (going high or low) of a signal
then to stop that jogging you also have to configure the jog stop to the opposite edge of the input signal,
so your button press will start the jog and your button release will stop the jog.

The button codes for the jog off are 229 to 240.
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Re: External control.

Postby camivic » Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:48 pm

Thanks for your reply,
i've tried your tips, but nothing is happen.
I also try to flag low the pin.
Attached you can found my configuration (only the x axe)
input.PNG (123.07 KiB) Viewed 12648 times
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Re: External control.

Postby cncdrive » Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:01 pm

I've tested it quickly with a UC300ETH-5LPT with one pin, one of which I see you using in your setup, Port#4 Pin#13, with the pin pulled to GND with pushbutton.
Please see the attached settings. It works fine here. The jog starts when I push the button and stops when release the button.
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Re: External control.

Postby camivic » Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:31 pm

Great, now all it works.

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