Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Servo

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:53 am

Vmax549 wrote:It would be nice IF we could get the tool table extended with a few more fields. The top example is one I have been working with. The bottom one is the stock tool table.

IF the extra fields were there in the stock tool table we can make them useful and would finish out the tool table functions for general usage.

Just a thought, (;-) TP

Well, hopefully before release, the basics might make it to the standard tool table. Just seems easier to deal with them in one place. I mean the extended is nice and all that info is great, but I really only need tool, slot, offset and diameter for now.

Also hoping for some automation in running through the probe screen to set all my fixed heights tools with minimum input...like tool number then hit measure (after setting a reference tool). Maybe some ATC basic stuff like calling a tool.
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:35 am

Normally if you are going to work on a feature it is best to get as much up front as you can to work with such as more fields in teh tool table. In the future these will be very useful and if they are put there now then we have time to work it all out so everyone would have access to the functions.

There have already been macros for auto tool setting with an ATC. You press the button and the atc cycles through all tools and reset the tool height offsets. You just have not seen them yet.

Sense I figured out the slot assigment and hot swapping in UCCNC a friend of mine just started working on his 3rd generation of ATC tool changers. It will be a dual arm , look ahead, hot swap changer will ALL the bells and whistles and features of the big boys including tool useage monitoring . When cycling tools in teh ATC it will TELL YOU when a tool has reached its service life. AND many other tool useage features that modern controllers have now.

Here is a short video of the last ATC Derek and I worked on. It is a full acticulating single arm ATC. It was design to tuck out of the workarea as he does run some rather large parts on and needs all teh clearance. When parked you almost cannot tell it has an ATC.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l068rbudbowy ... 6.MOV?dl=0

Now all you have to do is build yours.

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:50 pm

Vmax549 wrote:
Now all you have to do is build yours.

(;-) TP

That's all huh? :D We are slow but sure. Our last several projects took well over 6 months each from design to beta testing. The linear rails were pretty straight forward and as soon as my buddy with the much bigger machine gets caught up on paying jobs, we will have our first prototype. It's the ATC that really has been kicking our butts as we've changed the design at least a dozen times. It went from really simple fixed tool locations on a swinging table arm, then to carousel slide in, then carousel single arm, then to dual arm and finally ferris wheel dual arm (and many iterations in between)....sigh. This is what happens when you let a young engineer get too many ideas in his head...HAHA. But told him, whatever he comes up with, I'll get the electronics sorted out and eventually the programming. Fingers crossed we get too it soon.

FYI, is that video the second revision of the tool changer? Could have sworn I've seen that video before, as I remember the sliding shield. I just didn't remember the arm flipping out before. Super nice setup.

Ok, someone help me settle another debate. My buddy doing the ATC mechanical portion wants me to change everything I've done (motor, pdb solenoid, mist) just to mount the ATC on the left side of the spindle citing that all the manufactured versions are on the left, so there must be a reason. To me, I'd think having the ATC on the right is more convenient (right handed). So was curious if there is really a reason it's on the left for most industrial machines or is it just a preference thing.

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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby Vmax549 » Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:08 pm

6 of one, half a dozen of the other. L <> R seen them both ways. Can't see how it would really matter other than a preference. The OLD addage is put the ATC opposite of the control panel.

(;-) TP
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:14 pm

Vmax549 wrote:6 of one, half a dozen of the other. L <> R seen them both ways. Can't see how it would really matter other than a preference. The OLD addage is put the ATC opposite of the control panel.

(;-) TP

Now that would make sense, and our control box is on the back of the cabinet, so really shouldn't matter. Well, my plans are to have it on the right. We are hopefully going to mirror the mount so worst case, it would just be flipping the arm and changing the direction from active high to low (or whichever it works out).
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Re: Highly Modified Taig with R8 Spindle/PDB and DMM 750W Se

Postby ThreeDJ16 » Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:37 pm

Man, we have really been behind on our projects this year. Still aren't close to finishing up the ATC design because we had to stop after seeing my enclosure is way to small for the linear rails. So we've been designing a new enclosure before moving on (my buddy needed a new one too). Was really hoping to make the ATC this year, but not sure it's happening since we went all out with the new enclosure to use flood and have a washdown. Plus it sits on a tool chest, so I want to redesign all my electronics to fit a bottom drawer (with ventilation of course). Then get the linear rails built and installed.

But in prep for the ATC, I did play around with a knockoff of the Haas MQL system (which I didn't know existed until someone point it out). Anyway, here's a quick video of it in action. Nothing fancy, but it works. It will get moved to the left or front of the spindle once we get further along. Oh yeah, I also changed the cylinder from 125mm stroke to 75mm stroke....LOL...the one in the video was way too long.


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